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DARE diploma

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education Diploma. A diploma that you receive at DARE "graduation" in the sixth grade. The DARE diploma is a diploma that you receive without effort. The DARE diploma is as worthless as roadkill. The DARE diploma is a diploma worth being thrown in the trash. It is worth boycotting your DARE "graduation" by not going.

In the sixth grade I boycotted my DARE "graduation" by not attending. My DARE diploma is as worthless as roadkill. I threw away my DARE diploma a long time ago. When boycotted my DARE "graduation" and I threw away my DARE diploma I stuck it to the man.

by Viscount Druitt February 7, 2020

Federal Diplomas

Legal tender (cash) in the form of legally minted paper bills.
n. Federal Diploma ->A single legally minted paper bill of a positive financial value such as a $1 bill, $5 bill, $100 bill, etc.

"Bob got a college diploma to get a job that will allow him to earn the federal diplomas that he will need to get a Ferrari."

"That stripper wasn't impressed by the number of inches of your junk; only the number of digits on the federal diploma you gave her."

by J. L. Franklin May 31, 2008

Corona diploma

A diploma someone only got because their exams were during the 2020 COVID-19/ Coronavirus pandemic and thus couldn't do the exams because they were in Quarantine.

So Dave got his Corona diploma this morning, let's celebrate.

by FuckYouDion June 10, 2020

Diploma Plus

Diploma plus is a ghetto ass school with fucked up dysfunctional kids who range from emo's, gangster's and drug head's. Also bad ass little kids who can't even go to school and also fight, and most of them on probation.

Damnnnnn! did you here that, this bitch went to Diploma Plus?, we better not fuck with her.

by Dysfunctional. March 20, 2011

jmu diploma

Proof that you are a drunk

Dude, I thought you were shitting me about having alcohol poisoning 18 times but then you showed me your JMU Diploma and my jaw dropped.

by dajakester July 8, 2011

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diploma mill

1. A company where you can buy a fake degree for a small fee as a fancy way to lie on your resume.

2. A For-Profit University or College that is not accredited and/or recognized that leaves you in a dead end job with student loan debt for the rest of your life.

Me: I bought my degree online off of a diploma mill so I can get a job as a mechanical engineer.
Interviewer: This is not a real college and you just bought that degree off of a diploma mill.

Friend: Is devry a good university?
Me: No, it's a diploma mill. Why not apply for University of North Texas instead.
Friend: Okay

by Vashfromtrigun January 31, 2019

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Toilet Paper Diploma

A diploma worthy only to use as toilet paper. A meaningless diploma. A diploma that is not recognized in any meaningful way.

Yay I got my toilet paper diploma in fine arts!

I didn't even have to take a test to receive that toilet paper diploma.

I don't know why Mike hangs that toilet paper diploma in his office. It's not recognized by anyone outside this office, and by almost noone inside this office.

by Eddy August 5, 2007

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