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Diversity=Really rich white folk won't live here.

"The neighborhood is wonderful and so full of Diversity!"
Response, "So you mean the white people are leaving?"

by yup2 April 5, 2011

598👍 124👎


An old, old wooden ship that was used during the civil war era to deliver large supplies of puréed walnuts from the South to the North. The walnuts were used as a replacement for toilet paper, due to the wartime shortage. Despite the volitile relationship between the two countries at the time, the North figured that it was more important to have a clean ass than to place an embargo on the South's nut shipments. The South figured,"Hell, we need the money".

There have been complaints from the authorities about a lack of diversity in the News Room.

by Mr. Incredible January 12, 2005

1124👍 245👎


A psychosis based on the false impression that we will be a better nation, company, or organization if we accept outside influence or opinions which are culturally or morally different than our own. Gradually turning our backs on everything that makes us unique as a nation. Turning our backs on everything our forefathers fought and died to obtain, secure, and protect.

The idea that we need to be as poor as all of the other third world countries in order to fit in as a nation.

America really needs to be more culturally diversity. We really need to embrace a little more cannibalism, and definitely a salve labor society like the one they have in China. I hear that there is female genital mutilation in the Middle East. Oh goody... we need some of that here too!

by the remnant July 21, 2019

65👍 11👎


A bigotted policy that is over-emphasized to an incredibly irritating level. It is also used in the name of tolerance and progress, but it in fact happens to hold certain people down until people of a particular group gets things first. In addition, certain minorities are also left out in so-called "Diversity Week" celebrations, especially those with mental disabilities and Native Americans.

I don't like bullsh....I mean "Diversity Week". It leaves a lot of people out and I would rather deface it than embrace it.

Editors: Don't delete this just because you don't like what you read.

by Radical Republican November 7, 2005

790👍 139👎


a deathblow to an existing environment

Promoting diversity in the Galapagos Islands, PETA fatatics released 5,000 minks they stole from productive citizens onto the islands. The minks preyed on and eventually destroyed all of the fauna. A similar situation exists with the democrats/socialists/liberals push for diversity/destruction of the United States of America.

by lvv September 27, 2003

241👍 45👎


The word "diversity” is often a subtle, insidious and racist term used to mask a condescending, self-serving ego trip amongst white people. When a white person says, “I want to move to a neighborhood where there is more diversity” or “I don’t like living in the suburbs. It’s not diverse enough,” one must examine the motivations behind those statements. When considering a place to live one must take numerous factors into account – safety, school quality, home values or rental prices, availability of services, parking, commuting distances, noise levels, etc. If you find a place that meets the above criteria and that neighborhood happens to be diverse – then so be it. NOT moving into that neighborhood because it contains people of differing races and creeds would be racist and intolerant. But making diversity the primary reason for moving into a neighborhood is a racist conceit. In this case the desire for “diversity” is an ego trip for said white person because their conscious or unconscious motivation is “Look at me! I’m so evolved and cool I can live with people of different races and cultures.” This attitude causes the gentrification of ethnic neighborhoods where poorer “diverse” people are forced out because they can no longer afford living there. If white people were to put their money where their mouths were they’d be moving into the Bronx in droves. But they’re not. They might be able to embrace racial differences – just not economic ones.

“I have to move to Brooklyn! They have cool coffee shops and the area is so full of diversity!”

Translation: "I have to move to Brooklyn. It’s full of gays and little brown people! I’ll look so cool!

by CynicalSuburbanite October 21, 2010

101👍 25👎


I could be wrong, but I believe its an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.

Champ: What in the hell is diversity?
Ron: I could be wrong, but I believe its an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.

by Frankdatank811 February 28, 2008

147👍 42👎