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Doberman Blowjob

A variant of the traditional blowjob but much less desirable since it involves teeth. When combined with dryness of the mouth, Doberman Blowjobs can result in severe cockburn.

After I socked my lady in the mouth, she gave me a wicked bad doberman blowjob.

by puddinghatch May 3, 2005

18πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Dobermans Bitch

Dobermans Bitch is strong sounding name and a force not to be reckoned with, if you are on his bad side.

A man who knows his place in this world.

A man who is going somewhere in life.

"Hey, there goes Dobermans Bitch". "Yeah, don't fuck with him, he's a bad motherfucker".

by jp75034 January 9, 2009

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

frozen doberman

when something, usually a nut or bolt is so oxidised it won’t unscrew.

β€˜that nut just won’t budge, it’s frozen doberman. WD-40 did fuck all’

by frozen doberman May 19, 2019

doberman finger stink

when someones fingers smell like they came out of a dogs ass

man get away from me!!!! you must have the doberman finger stink goin on or just havent takin a shower..

by jwright January 31, 2007

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fighting doberman pinscher genitilias

the new mascot for the notre dame fighting irish.

Ron Burgundy: today in sports- The University of Notre Dame has decided to change it's mascot from the Fighting Irish to the Fighting Doberman Pinscher Genitilias. Students were outraged at this change.

by michaelgotta November 2, 2006

12πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A large in size baby who has the deepest bark i have ever heard

β€œHey what breed is that, it looks scary, Guard dog?”
β€œHaha! No, the Doberman is getting

protected by the Chihuahua!”

by πŸ¦‹πŸ€β™ŽοΈ:) November 22, 2021