Source Code

Dog Cunt Millionaire

Aussie slang - Someone who wins the lotto and doesn't deserve it.

Did you hear that Sam won lotto ? Yeah he's a dog cunt millionaire

by bljb1 August 14, 2021

boosh (dog cunt)

boosh (dog cunt)

a random sentence said out loud to make your mates piss them selfs laughing/or, said stright to someones face to start a fight

nathan;; go on, say it frank
frank;;boosh (dog cunt)!!!

random;;what you lookin at!!
frank;;booOOSH DOG CUNT.
random;;ok, fuck face, lets GO!!

by BIG308 June 7, 2007

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You rat dog cunt

A phrase to use against the filthiest of human

Nathan Spits in Lockier’s sandwich, β€œFuck off Nathan you rat dog cunt”

by Richardhotones November 13, 2020

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Similar to player or a poon hound.

"You know that Gabes boned 4 girls last night. That guy's a cunt-dog."

by Cuntdog April 15, 2013

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dog of a cunt

β€œDog of a cunt” - An expression or phrase used when describing something you dislike.

β€œI caught Sara high on meth again digging through my change draw. Fuck me, she is a real dog of a cunt.”

β€œ I stubbed my big toe on the corner of the fridge, it hurts like a dog of a cunt”

by Turdburgla September 15, 2019

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cunt dog

A horrible, untrustworthy and terrible person. Someone to be despised.

"I can't believe he did that to you, what a Cunt Dog".

by Dunginho February 29, 2004

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cunt dog

your a cunt dog

bro your a cunt dog

by your nans cunt clit September 23, 2020

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