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Donkey Raping Shit Eater

One who cornholes asses and feasts upon excrement

Pee-Wee Herman, AKA: Paul Reubens

by Art Vandelay November 14, 2003

135👍 77👎

donkey raping shit-eater

someone who uses big words online to sound smart

where have i seen that before

by as is June 28, 2003

126👍 76👎

Donkey raping shit eater

sex move in which u fuck an ugly girl in the ass doggy style holding on to her hair and pulling back then just before you cum grab her knees and flip her heals over head and have her land on her back mouth up and shove your cock right down her throat and let loose.

Donkey raping shit eater

by JBut November 25, 2007

38👍 57👎

Donkey Raping Shit Eater

Ben Cannon. He is an extreme asshole, with his head lodged far up his ass.

You Donkey Raping Shit Eater. (talking to Ben)

by slappy McWafflehoffer April 23, 2004

28👍 58👎

Donkey Raping Shit Eater

He who gets his jollies by raping some poor defenseless animal and then talks shit about it to his friends afterwards.

A Donkey/sodomizer who cant get laid by a human. Not even Liza Minelli. For gods sake PETA help us all.

by Hi toned SOB. August 27, 2003

18👍 56👎