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A Dope Ass Beat

Thats simply mean a really good track

Dude1: What the hell i can't believe the shit i hear...
Dude2: Yeah homie A Dope Ass Beat...
Dude2: Can you dig it :) ?

by Drumy August 19, 2008

32👍 9👎

dope ass stank

N. Cologne, aftershave or other manly fragrance.

"Whoa bro did you toss on that new cologne?"
"Hell yeah man, I'm getting my dope ass stank on tonight."

by Lil_tate June 21, 2014

4👍 4👎

Frontin ass dope dealer

A big fake jackass who claims he has weed or coke and has shit, pisses off real dealers and junkies.

Damnit i was at the exchange to buy the coke so i could bake crack and start dealing, but i found out its powdered sugar, the weed too must be fake too, Frontin ass dope dealer is gonna get hit up.

by recon1245 August 7, 2011

10👍 17👎