Source Code

Final Duet

A perfect weapon for you to fight against Omori fans. It goes without saying that they would break down and cry if you turned this on.

Girl 1: Oh you wanna fight me? Listen to my words carefully because I'm not gonna say them twice.
Boy 1: I'm listening?
Girl 1: *turns on the Final Duet*
Both: *burst into tears*

by saltyevodevo August 4, 2021

Dutch Duet

When a man puts his arm around a woman's arm and begins to Jack himself Off while the women fingers herself. its helps by keeping both on beat. Can also Become a Triplet if its 2 Girls and a guy in the middle.

Jon: Hey man last night i had a Duet
Bill: Really?!
Jon: but not just any kind
Bill: what kind is it?
Jon: A Dutch Duet!!!
Bill: No Way!!! can i try
Jon: if i do it with you than it will be a Quearet.
Bill: Awww!
Jon: you Homo

by Legato V4V May 15, 2009

Dixie Duet

While penetrating a girl in the ass, you place a saxophone (or similar instrument) in her vagina, thus double penetrating her. Upon reaching climax you pull out of her, and cum in the bell end of the saxophone. You then take the saxophone, place it in your mouth with the bell up to the girl's face. Then you blow very hard on the instrument, so that the semen flies out of it onto the girl.

I'm crazy, I gave this girl a Dixie Duet last night.

by BigMK88 April 29, 2012

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text duet

The act of texting song lyrics from one person to another via cellphone text service or IM or email.

To Cellie:I'm bringin' sexy back
Them other boys they don't know how to act.
I think it's special... what's behind your back
So turn around and and I'll pick up the slack


To Cellie:Dirty Babe
You see these shackles baby I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way


To Cellie: Haha, that was the best text duet yet!

by Cellie October 13, 2007

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Transcaucasian duet

A sexual act involving two male participants. One must be Armenian, the other Azerbaijani. The men's peckers, symbolizing the territories of Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhchivan, should be painted with cake icing in appropriate national colors. (Red, blue and apricot for the Armenian; light blue, red and green for the Azerbaijaniโ€”with an optional white star and crescent on his glans.)

The participants proceed to give each other simultaneous oral pleasure in a sixty-nine arrangement. Then, dick in mouth, the Azerbaijani must hum the Armenian national anthem as loudly and tunefully as he can, whilst the Armenian does the same with the Azerbaijani anthem. Whoever causes the other man to cum first is declared the winner; both must swallow. Afterwards, it is recommended that the two kiss and make up.

Transcaucasian Duet
Azerbaijani - MMM M-MM M, MMM M-MM M, MMM M-MM M M M MM...
Armenian - MM MM-M-MMM, MM M-M-MMM, MM MM M-M M M M M...

by Epic Tetus March 3, 2015

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facebook duet

facebook duet is when two or more friends on facebook take turns writing verses/lyrics to a song on someone's wall.
It can be started by one person on their own wall or facebook status and can be joined by anyone who can accurately site the lyrics continuing the song along.
When someone messes it up, it is clear that person should be removed from your friend list because they don't get the game nor do they have any sense to keep their mouth shut if they don't know the lyrics properly. This could possibly fit into the category of 'Facebook Douche".

Correctly Done Example -

Jane Doe: We're leaving together, but still it's farewell. And maybe we'll come back to Earth, who can tell?
John Doe: I guess there is no one to blame. We're leaving ground. Will things ever be the same again?
Jane Doe: It's the final countdown!
John Doe: Nice facebook duet, my friend.
Jane Doe: Let's make love.
John Doe: Whoo hoo!

Incorrectly Done Example:

Jane Doe: If I leave here tomorrow, Would you still remember me?
John Doe: For I must be travelling on, now, 'cause there's too many places Ive got to see.
Jane Doe: But if I stayed here with you girl, things just couldn't be the same.
Jack Ass: And a free bird you can't chaaaaaaangee! WHOOOOHHH YEAH!
Jane Doe: I hate you so much.
John Doe: Way to cockblock me, asshole.

by HeartSleeves June 22, 2009

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Genetic duet

When two geeks or nerds have sex and have a baby.

"Caden and Trillian did the genetic duet together"

by Gobjob March 5, 2019