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Dustbowls of choke

Is an Eastside San Jose phrase commonly referring to when you purchase bunk or cut dope.

Aye we need to call my connect back. I think this is some of that fat dustbowls of choke stuff that he had last week. It doesn't even blow any smoke out and it just disappeared.

by Adub408 January 21, 2019

Mojave dustbowl

When you're having sex with a girl from behind and she farts the toilet paper from her poopy butthole onto your torso.

Man, I got with this girl from tinder last night and she gave me the ol' Mojave Dustbowl. I feel like I'm covered in paper mรขchรฉ.

by Arthur Sikes November 23, 2018

Florida Dustbowl

When A woman ingests cocaine through her vagina (or anus) by having her partner blow it through a straw

Garret gave her a Florida Dustbowl but when he sneezed the coke got everywhere.

by ImCoveredinBees July 12, 2022

Texas Dustbowl

the act of sexual intercourse when the male is teebagging the female while she is giving him a footjob

Damn Sarah was flexible last night, she was able to the Texas Dustbowl.

by Greas Gren. January 19, 2009

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dusty crusty dustbowl

A severely dry vagina

That bitch has a dusty crusty dustbowl!

Beware of the dusty crusty dustbowl.

by sa225 February 12, 2009

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Dirty Dustbowl

The act of fingering someone's rectum after eating an entire bag of cheetos and not washing your hands

After eating those cheetos i gave him a dirty dustbowl

by LickitySpitz February 23, 2020

The Dustbowl

When stoners smoke the lost weed collected from their rugs/carpets. This fiendish behavior is referred to as "Rippin' the Dustbowl", characterized by the horrifying amount of dirt and grime mixed in with the kush.

"Damn dude, I don't have any sticky-icky..."

"No worries; we'll just hit The Dustbowl!"

by Zavala's Vanguard Asshole September 5, 2021