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A way of palming from the state and getting freebies for basically being slightly inept at the lingual version of mathematics.

Anyone know a bad mathematician? (yes, most of us). Anyone know one who gets a new pc when they go to uni? :P

by JC February 4, 2005

49๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž


The learning disability the Tom Cruise and Cher has.

tahw ehS, potS, prig ti teg, and 666

by Souper Trouper August 11, 2003

28๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


inability to read or comprehend written words

Lauren Keane is dyslexic.

by Butch April 1, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž


typin in the wrong damn letters like l instead of k.

Stahw pu?

by 47 December 10, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dyslexia is a neurological condition, whereby afflicted persons process all information with, what is often termed as, the right side of the brain. As a result, most dyslexics have significant difficulties processing words or numbers, as well as superior conceptual and spatial abilities. When coupled with above-average intelligence and work ethic, dyslexia often results in genius. Philosophers (e.g. Bacon) and scientists (e.g. Einstein), and substantial numbers of artists (40% of some art schools) are generally thought to of had this condition. Unfortunately, modern dyslexics face significant disadvantages with learning and testing formats (particularly standardized tests like the SAT), leading to incorrect assessments of their ability. While dyslexics can technically receive benefits (e.g. extra time on exams), formal testing costs (which often total thousands of dollars and are rarely covered by insurance) preclude almost all impoverished dyslexics from getting them, despite overwhelming evidence that impoverished populations face a Dyslexia epidemic. At the same time, wealthy populations are significantly over-diagnosed with dyslexia.

Poor Dyslexic: I definitely have dislexia, but I can't afford the tests required for extra-time on exams, so i guess I'll just have to go to community college...

Rich "Dyslexic": You mean Dyslexia.* I had unlimited time on the SATs and got perfect math, verbal, AND writing scores! Stanford here I come!

by avidreeder January 6, 2010

80๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dsyxleia si a leanrign disrodre thta inovles difificluty raedng deu to prbolesm iednityfing spech suonds and leanrign how they rleate ot leters and wodrs (dcodeing). Aslo caleled raednig dsibility, Dsyxleia afefetcs araes of the brain thta prcosese lnaguage.

Person 1: Oh! do you have Dyslexia?
Person 2: Yse i dou

by HyperElixr September 25, 2019

28๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A neurological disorder which makes a person struggle to read and write.
Dyslexics are often creative, funny, resorceful, helpful and sensitive. They are often cautious when making freinds/with friends or with in relationships as they are scared of being hurt or left. They are also very smart. They have good recall and understand alot of things. They learn in a fun way with helps the information stay and also means they use different techniques when revising.
They may need extra help reading and copying in class from there peers but are often to afraid to ask so offer to help if they look like they need it. They are also quiet in class as they are afraid of being chosen to read or awnser a question but with there peers that can be loud and confident.

"Hey I know you have dyslexia, do you need any help with this?"
"I think I'm OK but thanks"
"ok if you need help though just ask"

by S_y.m February 20, 2019