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a "science" created by a group of middle-aged, bearded men called "economists" to ensure that anything they say can never be proven wrong

Steve: Dude, you really f'd up on that predication!
Economist: Well if one looks at it from a non-inflationary enviorment, disregarding the laffer curve, then my hypothesis was in fact correct. Its Economics 101

by TheBigN2727 October 20, 2009

154๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž


-A social science discipline with a contemporaneous logical framework that's based completely on the assumption that scarcity is a problem intrinsic to society. The effect of which justifies greed as a virtue.

-An institutional requirement for dime-a-dozen business majors, usu. taught by middle-aged, overly opinionated, white males in need of serious cultural experiences.

-Taught by sports coaches in high school as the study of "common sense."

Teacher: "Economics studies how a society chooses to allocate its scarce resources among alternative uses."

Student: "What if the society's resources cease to be scarce?"

Teacher: "How is that even possible?"

Student: "The society's productivity meets or exceeds the point of what it needs to sustain itself."

Teacher: "But individual material DESIRES are infinite!"

Student: "Only in a society that breeds such nonsense."

by haaaaaze September 14, 2009

60๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


Economics is about creating good outcomes for human beings.

Economics isn't meant to explain everything, but it is good for establishing parameters, distinguishing relationships, identifying issues, clarifying options and providing an analytical framework.

Economics can establish criteria by which governmental decisions can be made.

by Leelo Dallas Multipass November 12, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


The way you find out how fucked up a country is!
And how the government is stealing from its citizens!!!

dont have example srry
just take economics class it opens ur eyes :)

by ur freakin brain speaking 2 u! October 19, 2009

49๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž



dude: yo how was the economics exam
Other dude: economics

by dagagapancake69 May 24, 2023


Economics is the ethics of mixing resources with strangers.

There are many disagreements about what Economics thinks is fair.

by insub2 January 20, 2013

18๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


A class taught to most high school students about how a society manages its scarce resources. It is comprised of a handful of mildly persuasive concepts pumped full of jargon and needlessly represented by graphs to deter intelligent people from realizing that this is not a real science.

Much like intelligent design, economics is a popular psuedo-science that intellectual humans would overlook.

The self-proclaimed โ€œsocial scienceโ€ contrastingly strives to ignore more of human nature every few years with a book written by a middle-aged man who realizes that he is not smart enough to discover anything new in a real science.

by Sir Heartless Bastard October 16, 2005

79๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž