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Egalitarianism is a belief that everybody is equal. Anthropological evidence suggests that most prehistoric hunter-gatherer societies were egalitarian, and that patriarchy did not develop until many years after. Egalitarianism is an all-encompassing label for various forms of social justice such as feminism, anti-racism, LGBTQ, freedom of religion, etc. If you call yourself an egalitarian then you must support all of those causes.

Many modern day “egalitarians” do not understand what the term truly means and even believe egalitarianism is a synonym for humanism. They focus more on the rights of cisgender, straight, white males than everyone else which is incredibly contradictory to the whole concept. This bias stems from the fact that the majority of these “egalitarians” are the aforementioned - using egalitarianism as an excuse to hold onto power as the most privileged people in the world, to turn a blind eye to minority groups and shut them down.

The concept of egalitarianism is a fair one but the aim to solve everything makes it unable to ever concentrate on just one thing, leading to nothing be solved in the end. This is why different movements are needed to target each issue. Most Western nations are egalitarian in name but there is no "true" egalitarian society as patriarchy still exists, homosexuals are not given basic civil rights, the list goes on.

People such as girlwriteswhat claim to be an egalitarian but hate feminism while pandering to a white, straight, cisgender, male audience. This is one of the major faults of many people who call themselves an “egalitarian”. Feminism is equality - it is a form of egalitarianism and if you do not believe in it then you are not actually an egalitarian but an idiot using it’s name to benefit yourself. Try searching up the word and understand what it really means rather than focus all your attention and believe everything you see from a bunch of radicals.

They never talk about the benefits of LGBTQ, anti-racism, etc. and instead, may talk about how the minorities oppress cisgender, straight, white males (which doesn’t make sense as they are the ones in the positions of power and cannot oppress themselves - this is like an almighty king feeling helpless when a bunch of peasants haven’t given him some wool).

These so-called egalitarians derail conversations from feminism to MRAs. In fact, most egalitarians are about men’s rights while totally booting everyone else out of the image. Egalitarianism is about EVERYONE’S rights. Why so much expenditure on that one group and that one group alone? This yet again, shows their privilege.

by Only Sane Man August 13, 2012

540👍 1715👎


a sugar-coated way of saying "feminist".

Person 1: Hey, you believe in equality of the sexes. right? So that makes you a feminist.
Person 2: I prefer to say "egalitarian".

by 0jasmine0 February 7, 2015

166👍 1195👎


1. Adj; Related to or believing in equality between people

2. n; a person who holds ideals based on the belief of equality between people

3.n' A term used by people who like the word but don't grasp it's meaning to self identify as self absorbed morons

4. A member of the Gender "Egalitarian" Movement.

1. Liberalism and Communism are egalitarian ideologies
2. Charles Darwin was a contemporary egalitarian
3. "Always being an egalitarian I took my roommates money form their room while they were asleep. "
4. "As an Egalitarian I believe men should be given the right to paper abortion..... Women don't need that equal right!"

by kn1s July 19, 2018

8👍 71👎