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Equal opportunity cooter. A girl who has an indiscriminate vagina and does not have a specific ethnic "type".

That EOC had herself a black dude, a Jewish guy and a white boy all in one week.

by Bootylikeyonce February 17, 2016


End Of Chat

UK, often used to close a conversation

"that fella, is the End Of Chat" (EOC) Now, do one.

by imaner76 December 3, 2024


eoc = end of coversation

person 1: “i hate chocolate
person 2: “chocolate is amazing, eoc.”

by jfakename November 17, 2019

2👍 1👎


Eye of cthulhu is a boss in the game Terraria which is bought on a platform called Steam for $10.

P1: Yo, wanna fight EoC now?
P2: Nah, lets get full gold armor first.
P1: Sure!

by cullybug September 5, 2023