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The word “ephemeral” is a word you may never heard of. Today you are going to the what the word ephemeral means. Ephemeral mean short lasting.

ex: this mushroom may be ephemeral / this mushrooms existence may be short

by #ephemeral #shortlasting January 15, 2021


Ephemeral” is used in the sciences to refer to short-lasting plants, animals, ecological systems, and phenomena.

It can also be used as slang to describe people, usually in a positive sense.

An ephemeral person is someone who wastes no time in poor relationships or situations.

For example, an ephemeral person would not keep running back to an ex, and an ephemeral person would not hesitate to cut contact with someone who says or does something offensive or wrong.

An ephemeral person could also be someone who navigates many relationships or situations in general. In this case, it is used more neutrally.

For example, to an ephemeral person, it probably won’t matter whether you give them your number, or make out with them, or hook up with them. The end result is the same—they’re gone the next day. You’re going to have to run into them more than once for them to remember you, and really click with them to build up and maintain a friendship.

It doesn’t really translate negatively. For example, I wouldn’t call my uncle who has divorced six times too ephemeral, because an ephemeral person wouldn’t have bothered to marry anyone incompatible in the first place, let alone six times. He’s just an unreliable idiot.

You need to be more ephemeral, and block your ex.

by Magherra May 30, 2024