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schrödingers epson printer

when you go to do the prep you meant to when it’s slow on the line, only to have your ticket printer go the fuck off.

Yeah sorry Jason, I meant to prep your limes last night but ya know “schrödingers epson printer man.”

by thekingggg April 29, 2024


A person that pretends to be a total professional but can't even complete the simplest of tasks when most needed.

A: "Ey man can you help me with this?"

B: "Uhmm.."

A: "didn't you say you are a pro at *that*?"

B: "Uhhhh.. sorry im busyy. Also im not THAT good at it >_>"

A: "You're such an Epson"

by Retardfrombehind August 19, 2021


Is a typa person with a lot of big duck energy

Damn Epson is so cool

by Daniel michaelson November 22, 2021