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Exaggerated Drama

A dramasode that has escalated into levels you cannot comprehend. A state of which that said dramasode has achieved to the point where you don't want to care, you don't want to know, and you don't want to be involved anymore with the people who triggered it.

For a dramasode to reach this point, it has to last for a long time, two parties or multiple parties just not willing to let things die, and those same parties acting at their most immature.

Just when you think a dramasode has died, it picks right back up.

Johnny: "I'm going to get back at him all right, I'm going to light a bag full of shit infront of his house!"

Tom: "Johnny, this drama you have with Brad has been going on for five months straight. That's enough to make a series of seasons this drama can be documented for. Please st-"


Tom: "Ok then, screw you. I'm tired of your exaggerated drama with people. I'm moving out."

by Toasty777 July 19, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Exaggeration Number

The number you typically use to exaggerate a situation or scenario.

Although there are many numbers to choose from, you tend to stick to your own exagger-number.

"I heard he has like, twelve million siblings"

"There were about twelve million people at that show!"

"Pretty sure he slept with at least twelve million people."

That's my exaggeration number

by Jenna Cameron March 26, 2012

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

academic exaggeration

When your professor draws an extra distinction where one barely exists or none exists in an effort to prove to you their superior understanding of the material. Typically used on examples and counterexamples brought up by the class.

A: "Actually, the truth condition of 'Santa Claus is your parents' is false. 'Santa Claus' refers instead to the idea of a fat man going down a chimney and leaving gifts, and your parents don't fit those descriptors..."
B: "....gdi."


B: ">_>"
C: "Whoa, Richard used academic exaggeration on you again didn't he?"

by Semen-ticks October 10, 2010


opposite of over-exaggerating; to reduce the limits of truth; understate; represent under-proportionality

Drake: "What are you talking about I've only done that to you like once."
Kamile: "OMG! What are you talking about you're like under-exaggerating. You've done that like a bajillion times."

by eekkamile September 22, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Exaggerated swagger

The way he leaps off of rooftops and flips backwards to face the camera before falling into a head first dive is just full of the exaggerated swagger of a black teen. It gives me goosebumps every time he does it.

Stupid fucking youtuber: The way he leaps off of rooftops and flips backwards to face the camera before falling into a head first dive is just full of the exaggerated swagger of a black teen. It gives me goosebumps every time he does it.

by MoistCereal January 8, 2021

14๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

exaggerator calibrator

a mental device used to make a notorious exaggerator's stories more truthful.

As she spun her bloated yarn my exaggerator calibrator was working overtime trying to drag the rocketing leviathon back to earth.

by provider44 January 18, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lexical exaggeration

1. (noun) A phrase or sentence that exaggerates its vocabulary to an unprecedented extent. This is usually done in a joking manner or to seem intelligent. In the latter usage, it often backfires, making the speaker seem pretentious.
2. (noun) The act of using a lexical exaggeration. (see 1)

Speaker 1: Sorry for bumping you on the shoulder.
Speaker 2: I personally did not appreciate the manner in which you interacted with my glenohumeral joint. Due to this misdemeanor I will not engage in the acceptance of your apologetic response.
Speaker 1: Wow, thanks for the lexical exaggeration, asshole.

by MBite April 3, 2021