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When someone comments randomly and unintelligent on your Facebook page.

Facebook user > officially ate a pound of bacon
>user comment> i once made love in bacon grease

I hate facejacking

by jimmyjenga May 9, 2010

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The act of hijacking a friend's Facebook wall.

The dude facejacked my wall the other day with mother jokes.

by Jack Rabbit Flats January 5, 2010

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Verb: To comment to a Facebook post, status message, or other item in a direction unrelated or contrary to the original poster's thoughts or purpose. (By extension from blogjack; see hijack.)

She Facejacked the comments on his profile pic into a critique of his serial dating habits.

"Sorry to Facejack your post, but I *hate* that phrase!"

by jhv August 12, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


To take the subject of some ones status and divert it onto a completely different subject.

Mathew Has Survived The Onslaught Of The Armada That Is Coursework!

Joe Honess at 13:31 05 December via Facebook Mobile
played. Remember to send me your courseworks for next year!

Mike Kent at 13:35 on 05 December
Hi joe mate, hows it going?

Joe Honess at 13:37 05 December via Facebook Mobile
oh hi mate, not so bad just been to morrisons going back to work now, what you up to?

Mike Kent at 13:37 on 05 December
Nothing much like, just chilling at the flat like. What did you get from Morrisons?

Joe Honess at 13:39 05 December via Facebook Mobile
Cool sounds good mate. I got sausages, peas and some brown bread, gonna make a nice sausage and mash later! Nice facejack there Kent.

by PiGH December 5, 2008

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When you're FaceTiming someone and another person jumps in and jacks some facetime.

You: Hi mom, how are you
FaceJacker: blaaahhh! you just got FaceJacked!
Mom: ?

by rinconada November 1, 2010

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When a "friend" posts something on your facebook wall that is publicly visible and is a blatant negative to you and your friends.

I was on facebook yesterday and was facejacked by the lame band promoting the show.

by The Plan Man -B 2 the Thornton September 15, 2009

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To go through a friends friend list on facebook and jack friends from them. Identical to Spacejacking on Myspace, only on facebook.

Man, Emily's got a bunch of fine ass friends. I'm going to go facejacking and get at least 4 or 5.

by ODUB October 20, 2009

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