Someone who joins or follows a person, organization, club, group, social media outlet who willingly knows it is wrong or will end in failure.
I will, (am) Fallowing (fallow) those racists supremist's.
When someone or something is very shallow. Shortened version of f*#king shallow.
A fallow crypt is formed when a man's pubes are long enough to braid into a sock used to keep his penis warm.
Dude, my dick was getting cold so I grew out my pubes and made myself a fallow crypt.
What Junkyard Mook's long-suffering main squeeze does when filming her bubbly-cheerful and silly-innocent antics at an auto-graveyard.
Kevin Brown nearly taking a major stumble while looking at the camera's viewfinder instead of where he's stepping: Whuh - WOAH!
Junkyard Mook cheekily: Walk much? You sure aren't very steady on your feet!
Kevin Brown: Yeah, I know --- I'm just FALLowing you around with the camera; I can't watch what's in front of me.