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1.-verb- the act of sucking semen from a bodily oriface for sexual gratification.
2.-verb- the act of inserting a rodent into the anus or vagina for sexual gratification. Also see girbiling.
3.-adjective- an unpleasant or foul person.
4.-noun- an unfortunate english surname.

1.- "he died in an unfortunate feltching accident involving a ShopVac."
2.- "Richard Gere supposedly was into feltching with girbils."
3.- "Trooper Davie is a feltch."
4.- "The man signed the register as Mr. Feltch."

by Tanker Don June 7, 2006

161๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having sex with a girl in the ass, blowing your load in her ass, sucking the cum out of her ass and then making out with her

i was so ridiculously hammered lastnite, i took this broad back from the bar and feltched her

by Trevor Hodgson August 9, 2008

92๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


(Verb) Comes from Western Colorado slang insults. It refers to a man who drinks cum out of another's ass with a straw.
(Adjective) An insult for someone who shocks you with their stupidity or aura of annoyance.

Guy 1: "Dude, I think Gnar Kill is like the greatest band ever."

Guy 2: "You are such a feltcher man."

by Subnet-Zero May 6, 2004

350๐Ÿ‘ 404๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of sucking one's own semen recently deposited in a rectal cavity after homosexual intercourse. "Feltching" has the dubious honor of stalling any advances in understanding human behavior by both the scientific and philosophical communities. The debate focuses on the absurdity of a culture that stipulates the sharing of ones toothbrush with another person is taboo as well as unhealthy and socially inexcusable behavior but gleefully accepts sucking dry the asshole of another man before swallowing the discharge.

After their 'naked lunch', Little Boy Blue Balls and his friend, 'Browny" were ready for desert.Their waiter, Rex, suggested ice-cream and cool-whip. "Lil-Boy, nothing like a cool down, after the going down that I just witnessed". "Don't be silly Rex, you know that ice-cream will totally destroy the wonderfull aroma we can all share after I rare-back and let go a 3 alarm FELTCH BELCH!

by j.r. dada March 9, 2007

79๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


Action, pointing your elbow at someone whilst making a patronizing mmm noise. Felching is an offensive gesture and is used to mock someone.

The definition of feltching is to patronize,mock and tease someone. Eg that bloke is a bully, hes a real felcher.

I was walking down the high street and someone fetched me . It was very disrespectful.

by Longee February 2, 2016

23๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


The process of inserting a gerbil through a tube that is connected to ones ass hole. The gerbil then goes inside the anus. When the gerbil is desired to exit, the tube is inserted back into the anus and a light is shined into the tube attracting the gerbil out of the anus.

That gerbil is so brown it looks like it was being feltched.

by Bloodsunday October 15, 2004

152๐Ÿ‘ 312๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of Feltching is also when a man (or woman) fucks someone up their ass, and proceeds to lick fr the bottom to the top of their back in one single sexual motion

"Geez raybor, that was one Feltching seriously good felt hung you performed on me last night!"

by Tha Juggla January 4, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž