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The explanation of something by a feminist, typically to a non-feminist, in a manner regarded as condescending. Further, femsplaining refers to saying words that demonize non-feminists as morally inferior, due to non-feminists not assimilating into politically correct social constructs.

The feminist's argument was classic femsplaining.

Calling someone a bigot is typical femsplaining aimed at reducing the self-determination of free-thinkers.

by Pyrrho. X. Nietzsche October 16, 2019

11👍 4👎


When a woman talks on and on to a man who's not listening.

She was femsplaining the whole story to me when I must have dozed off.

by wcsdncr March 19, 2016

25👍 26👎


When a female explains something to you, then explains it again as if you didn't understand the first time, and then explains it again to make sure you know she thinks you still don't understand because you wouldn't have needed it explained to begin with.

After fig told me that I needed to squeeze out the sponge after doing the dishes she began femsplaining to me why.

by Zazzyzazzle December 3, 2021


To argue from ignorance and substitute hyper emotionality and/or emotional blackmail for logic and fact.

The chick next femsplained to me the sexism inherent in manual weeding; she called me a member of the patriarchy, and said she did not feel safe around me because I was doing somewhat manly work and had a sharp tool (phallus) in my hand.

by spidly1989 April 14, 2021

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När en övertygad Fi aktivist, nedlåtande försöker förklara för omgivningen att ex. inkvotering av kvinnor på attraktiva höga tjänster, är bättre för samhället än att anställa den bäst kvalificerade.

rde Kerstin köra en Femsplaining igår. Hon berättade att företag skulle bli lönsammare om alla styrelsemedlemmar var kvinnor.

by Shoreline1 April 3, 2017

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The explanation of something by someone who identifies as Female, typically to a sexist man (or someone who doesn't identify as Female), in a manner Supposedly regarded as condescending or patronizing. But is really just because they would rather not hear from anyone who identifies as Female (or doesn't Pass as Female or androgynous in their eyes)

Femsplaining isn't really a Thing, just another toxic tactic to both Gaslight and manipulate other's & situations, especially when Wrong in an Argument or misinformed/not informed about a thing in Question. But doesn't want to be Wrong.

Femsplaining also cannot exist without the brother phrase "Mansplaining", which has the Exact same Definition.

"Your response is classic femsplaining"
"Ugh, _____ isn't _____ it's _____! Quit Femsplaining, you're wrong and stupid"

by Roseberry22 March 11, 2021

1👍 10👎


When everything in the argument comes back full circle but still makes no fucking sense at all

Felicia femsplained that the color blue is sexist because back in medieval times the king could have 7 brides if he wanted

by Myfullfuckingname September 5, 2022