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fingernail shrapnel

The projectile fingernail clippings that fly off on random trajectories when the nails are clipped.Most dangerous are the eye shrapnel.Most embarrassing is the shrapnel that you couldn't see where it went only to find out later from a friend at work that you have a fingernail clipping in your hair.

I now wear goggles when clipping my nails to protect my eyes from fingernail shrapnel.

by wolfbait51 April 29, 2011

52πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

fingernail fudge

the feces under you fingernail after you have had your finger up a woman's ass. Often goes unnoticed at first due to the excitement of the moment when fucking her pussy and fingering her ass simultaneously.

I washed my hands but there was still a trace of fingernail fudge from when I was with Sherry.

by Woody Thomas September 23, 2006

17πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Clipping Fingernails

The act of getting ready for sex; it refers to clipping fingernails in order to make fingering pleasurable.

Yeah, Sarah told Bob that she would do him, so he was clipping fingernails all week!

by πŸ…±οΈπŸ…ΎοΈπŸ…±οΈπŸ…±οΈπŸ…°οΈ September 19, 2018

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Fingernail crumbs

The unpleasing morsels left in the bottom of a bag of popcorn, chips, pretzels that have likely come into contact with one's fingernail.

Throw that bag of popcorn away, the only thing left is fingernail crumbs.
I wouldn't eat any chips out of that bag, Chad was using his hand to dig for chips and he likely left fingernail crumbs.

by CaptainGordon August 18, 2013

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carny fingernails

While working a manual labor job, you end up having a copious amount of dirt and foreign particles caked under your finger nails. Making you appear unclean and lecherous. Can also be in conjunction with "carny arms."

While making pizza all day, I ended up having some gross carny fingernails from grabbing cheese and pepperoni with my hands.

Ewww! You have the most disgusting carny fingernails I've ever seen! Do you ever wash?"

by thebeatnikgrrrl April 6, 2010

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

drowning in fingernails

the effect of excessive nervousness you suffer while talking via phone or computer to someone that takes a minute to respond who you fear is probably doing something more fun than talking to you

Max: "hey, whats milton's problem tonight?"

Carl: "oh, its nothing, he's just drowning in fingernails because that girl he's been stalking still hasn't texted him back"

by LIsquared January 30, 2010

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fingernail fetish

when one is sexually attracted to fingernail attached or unattached to ones finger

Dude Bertha chewed off my fingernail. She definitely has a fingernail fetish.

by TimmyTurnerTheCancerKid June 19, 2019

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