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Verb: Having personality flaws. When someone is NOT legit.

They might be flawed for dissing you, pissing you off or whatever.

They keep running their mouth 'cause they're flawed.

by J'me A.D. January 13, 2006

48๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Flaw

Something flawed to its core, a thing or a person that usually is imperfect and not functional to its full level, usually describes shows for girls and friendship, The Flaw may be noticed by some people who tend to over analyze things and have nothing better to do than pointing them out, The Flaw is usually exposed through an annoying debate online and by using logical conclusions and principles.

(N) a person who is not functioning to his own potential and most likely makes a lot of wrong decisions throughout his life, The Flaw is unable to solve problems in the best way and ends up messing up his own reputation.

1. The Flaw is strong in this man. 2. The Flaw exposed

Jerry: Hey Ron, yesterday I noticed The Flaw!
Ron: wait, you too?, I remember exposing The Flaw 2 years ago, good times.

Girl 1: omg have you heard of that neo ?, he exposed The Flaw
Girl 2: yes we should talk to him more often
Girl 1: he also thinks friendship is The Flaw, how silly!

1. John is The Flaw, he always messes up... 2. I feel like exposing The Flaw today

by ThomasAAnderson January 20, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A band. Only The Strong baby!

Your only cool if you like Flaw.

by Kool Cat Erin October 13, 2004

497๐Ÿ‘ 299๐Ÿ‘Ž


a really kick ass band....the guy above me is a fuckin cocksmoker

"The song "payback" by Flaw is great!!!"

by Nate July 5, 2003

445๐Ÿ‘ 296๐Ÿ‘Ž


A reminder that your gorgeous self isn't perfect.

Thank the lord she actually has a flaw.

by TotesAGirlyGirl July 6, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


a kick ass band with provocative and moving lyrics that can touch any individual, even one who has not experienced said event reflected throughout the lyrics.

flaw kicks ass.

by phjls83 August 1, 2003

456๐Ÿ‘ 324๐Ÿ‘Ž


a great industrial (not nu-metal you dumb fucker) band that can capture the emotion of ones life and make it apply to everyone.

Flaw's album Through The Eyes is one of the best I own.

by anjr00 July 17, 2003

626๐Ÿ‘ 469๐Ÿ‘Ž