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floral park

Come on now all you cool Floral Park Village rats, stop spending your time in computer class in what you call a high school and recognize how lucky you are to have the coolest band of crime fighters in America saving your asses from the animals in South Flo Po and Elmont on a daily basis. It is only because of these modern-day Marvel heroes that you can even walk the streets at night without having your iPods and expensive mommy-bought cellphones grabbed from your manicured (even you boys) fingers by your neighbors from the south! Flo PoLICE are the men!

Floral Park cops are the best in the world!

by Rob K, Esq. January 4, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

floral park

a town with a bunch of horrible kids, they're all grimy. most of them wont get anywhere in life. especially the little girls who walk around town and pretend to be drunk and think they live in the OC, oh wait they dont think that anymore because it isn't the latest trend.its also full of kids who think they're tough and live in the ghetto. they have no lives and just sit in "the square" or wendys drunk and/or high.

kid#1:what do the kids in floral park do?
kid#2: drugs, duh.

by you guys are bad August 25, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž

floral park

a horrible little town that shouldn't exist. floral park is one of the most dumb, stupid and boring places on earth. everyone that lives there is extremly two-faced. this wouldn't be too bad but the sad thing is that they all deny being two-faced.the girls are sneaky hoe bags and the dudes are emos and wanna be gangsters. they all put themselves on a high horse because they think they are better than everyone else because they live on long island, when in reality.....they don't."flo po" should be taken off the map.

"omg you guys, we're so cool because we're from floral park! all we do it drink and get high. we're almost as retarted as real long island kids!!"

by jackie-ooo August 6, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

floral park

a town full of a of teen s who think there invincible or think god doesn't exist or there all so rebellious even though there in there own group and its also full of obama loving fanatics and commies and kids who don't care if a north Korean nuke is pointed at their country and if i had the chance i would take a Kalashnikov and kill them all. and there's more they think twilight is actual piece of literature and war and peace is to long to read they also take their American freedoms for granted and think acting black will get rid of there white skin and the same thing goes to the so called women and whores in the town also the school is full of white kids who wont stand up against the niggers and spics also dbags who are bunch pieces of living human shit

B:oh I'm going to floral park Sunday

C:really bring a cyanide capsule if it gets bad

by wn1488zh August 16, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Floral Park

Floral Park is a small town/suburb located on the border of Queens and Long Island. If you want to get drunk, come here. We have 4-5 bars in a 3 block radius on Tulip ave aka "town". A good word to summarize this town is "spoiled". Everyone living here has been pampered their whole lives and have developed self centered attitudes because of it. Half the kids you see wandering the streets are drug dealers. The Floral Park favorites are weed, acid, xans, and shrooms. Also, if you look even remotely emo, you'll have pasty kids with bowl cuts wearing unnecessarily bright sportswear making fun of you from across the street, because no one in this town knows how to say something to someone's face. There are many chill spots here. If you're too much of a child for bars, you got the sump, the rec, nuzzy, the square, olv, the train station, FPM and others. Oh and the cops here are dickheads. Since there's almost no crime in Floral Park, they have nothing better to do than crack down on kids innocently chilling at parks and skating. If you skate, this town has a good amount of spots. Don't be surprised if you have 3 cop cars pull up and tell you to leave. If you're young, you'll like this town. If you're old, you'll probably be scared of this town. If you're a cop, fuck you

Floral Park is a druggy shithole. -everyone

by yung frank January 3, 2018

Floral Park

Town on the border of queens and Long Island In Nassau county. Queens side is mostly Indians and the Long Island side is mostly white. The people on the Long Island side think they are superior because they pay higher taxes and drive Volvoโ€™s and โ€œdress betterโ€(bragging about the most basic mundane shit) but in reality they still live in this over rated town and just like the queens side. The Long Island side is known more for drinking and what not. The queens side has a lot of Indians who stare at every moving thing and donโ€™t know how to act in public (are weird asl). Overall this town has weird people who laugh at strangers who get hurt doing something or having their vehicle get stuck in the snow.

Floral park resident 1: hey did you see that kid fall off his bike and break his neck? (While pointing and laughing)
Floral park resident 2: yeah itโ€™s the funniest thing Iโ€™ve ever seen hahahahaha

by Us79910 September 16, 2020

Floral Park

Listen, I know you've seen a LOT of people say Floral Park sucks because we got nothing to do here. But let me tell you how it really is....
-Yes, kids start drinking in 8th grade (not when their 8 or even 5, like I've heard).
-Yes, people do smoke A LOT (starting in 9th-10th grade)
-Yes, we do have a lot of nail salons and bars.
-Yes, we do have really good cops that keep us safe from the homies in elmont and south floral park.
-No, we don't think we live in the OC.
-No, we don't have crazy emo people.
-No, we don't consider ourselves black.
-We're just Long Islanders who mind our own business (and who pay higher taxes then some rich ass people in the Hamptons) so if you got a problem with us, fuck off and just don't come here then.

Guy from Floral Park - "Floral Park is cool."

Guy from Garden City - "We got more money than you go back to your poor ass 'hood'."

Guy from Floral Park - "Why don't you go cry to your mommy before I kick your ass there."

by Flo Po Lax January 27, 2009

41๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž