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Gordon Freedom Fighters

A once feared gang originating from the streets of Gordon in Sydney's upper north shore. A suburb unlike its neighbours, it featured public housing units and was in proximity to a major highway intersection, providing ease of access to Western Sydney and thus its culture, leading to many of its local youths emulating lower class, gangsterism prevalent in the West. The gang was primarily active in the first decade of the 21st century, and mainly engaged in small scale drug dealing, petty crime and street fights. Its members mainly loitered around Gordon Station, Gordon Recreation Grounds, and the infamous Gordon McDonald's and often robbed students arriving at the suburb after school. The gang slowly began to fade into the history books, after increased police crackdown on local juvenile delinquency and graffiti, only to be replaced by the KB gang, a similar organisation made up of youths of Killara High School. As of 2020, the gang is now renamed KL-27 (Killara Legion - 27) a gang associated with the notorious 27 gang, also known as "One Four" also known as "GW". Many of the younger generation "eshays" of Gordon are still found in the same spots.

Got rolled at Gordon maccas by the Gordon Freedom Fighters

by NS5Kartel August 24, 2020

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barrel chested freedom fighter

a man who has a muscular chest whom is in the armed forces (navy, army, marines ) ; A compliment.

β€œI’m just tryna find a Barrel Chested freedom fighter to settle down with.”

β€œrelax you’ll find him we live near the navy base he won’t be to hard to find.”

by dootNootToot January 4, 2018

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Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 3

A ROM hack of Super Mario Bros. 3 which was released in late 2004. It seems to serve as either a glorification of the low-brow style of ROM hacking or a satire of it, perhaps a little of both. It was created by a ROM hacker named Dr. Floppy.

I just played Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 3. I now have absolutely no hope for humanity whatsoever.

by RXtasy January 2, 2005

66πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Freedom fighters

The people to take back your lives and communities from.

Once they had taken back their lives and communities from the freedom fighters led by the Jim Jones church mouse calling herself Bridget (the New York Irish mouse in American Tales), the people had jobs to go to once again, and their was no longer any new normal or tunnel with light at the end of it, their was only light to see (something besides her to look at).

by The Original Agahnim February 2, 2022

Freedom fighter

In the old days, a freedom fighter might ride around on horseback to make himself/herself appear higher than the law so that he/she could trample all over people's rights, but nowadays they just ride around in a Jeep to try and intimidate/instigate people since it's quicker and more convienient.

The freedom fighter wanted everyone arrested (all the boys to the yard) and the town locked down with lies.

by The Original Agahnim February 2, 2022

Freedom fighter

Someone that fights freedom, usually on horseback to make himself/herself look higher than the law and thinks of themself as the law. Otherwise known as an instigator, someone that always tries to trap or provoke people much in the way a matador would trap and provoke a bull.

Syd Noreaga thought of herself as a healer even though everyone around her was sick as from a plague of her. Some people had loved and missed the freedom they had back in 2019, before each and every freedom fighter started calling himself/herself the law.

by The Original Agahnim January 23, 2022