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french fries

(n.) The universal side dish.

Shit, they gave me ____, but skimped on the french fries.

by Mizar_08 July 6, 2010

13πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

French Fries

See Belgian Fries

Une frite une fois!

by FrenchLascar187 February 12, 2004

26πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

French fries

The fucking cheapest and best American food in the world

Bob: Yo bro I’m hungry but poor :(
Jim: go get French fries from McDonald’s
Bob: oh shit I didn’t think about that

by Mamzmzmskksskzp August 23, 2020

French Fried

When a man pours hot oil in a girls vagina , has sex, then pulls out and the girl has her period on his dick and sucks it off.

My dick got burned so bad when i got French Fried last night. That shit still hurts.

by theeurbandictionary May 26, 2010

27πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

french fries

More conclusive proof that George W Bush is a tit (see entry for Freedom fries); 'French' fries, like many things called French something-or-ther, were not even invented in France, and there is little evidence to suggest they were invented in Belgium, either.

In France they are generally eaten with steak (steak-frites), and were popularised by the Americans, who now, ironically, find the term 'French anything' sticking in ther craw... all because we aren't trigger-happy, Anti-Islamists.

"These French fries are clogging up my artery walls."

by Mordrez Moi September 16, 2006

22πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

French Fries

When referring to crack cocaine, "French Fries: are also referred to as 3 inch sticks

Yo daw, lemme grab up sum dem 20 dolluh French Fries

by HoustoneD June 19, 2009

8πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

French Fries

The plural version of French Fry, meaning a hot, young (16-25 yrs old), French guy.

They are normally found all over Paris. They're the type one desperately wants to check out but is too embarassed to, so one makes sneaky glances at them to satisfy one's mental demand.

Girl 1:"I think the Spanish Omelettes and Italian Pizzas are top notch!"

Girl 2:"No, you've got it all wrong...it's all about the FRENCH FRIES!!!"

by GET OUT! August 15, 2008

10πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž