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Being in a state of frivolity or choosing to be frivolous.

I love these glitter phone cases, I bought two. Let me frivolate alright?

by everydayfries October 23, 2018

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frivolous eloquence

When the populace interjects conversation in erudite or esoteric vocabulary... shit...i just did it. Frivolous eloquence is the nice way of saying that someone's talking in words way too big or advanced to be understood by us common folk. They forget the purpose of words. It's not to sound fancy and above, but to communicate with others. And whats the point of talking big if no one will understand you?

scene cuts to a dim club with muscular tough guys playing pool; Plankton stands at the door

Felicitations, malefactors! I am endeavoring to misappropriate the formulary for the preparation of affordable comestibles! Who will join me!?

-A prime example of Frivolous Eloquence

by AdmiralofShe April 26, 2017

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forced frivolity

Any mandatory organizational activity supposedly designed to encourage comaradarie and build personal and working relationships by forcing you to hang and socialize with people with whom you work and that you would never consider spending time with outside of work.

Another afternoon of "forced frivolity," management's answer to team building!

by riansc April 16, 2015

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Frivolous Wokeness

Being woke about anything and everything. Overextended wokeism. When being woke reaches a level that's just annoying and has no real purpose or value.

Them bitch-ass fools are engaged in frivolous wokeness.

by Pajarrabias November 25, 2022

frivolous fox

A girl that licks ears for fun. Often screams when she dies in PUBG.

Have you seen that frivolous fox? Yeah she bit my ears off

by dunnowhy June 30, 2017

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Frivol Fucks

Carefree sex or when you have sex with someone you do not care about or have no serious intentions with at all.

Justin totally frivol fucks a bunch of girls. He tells me all these stories, but doesn’t even know the names of those girls.

by Star Spangled Banger May 17, 2019

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alcohol-induced frivolity

Fun and/or joy induced by alcohol consumption. Used in the TV Series "The Big Bang."

After leaving the bar Cheers, Jack and Diane engaged in some alcohol-induced frivolity.

by Mel S. Hutson May 13, 2008

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