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What you say about someone who's died ... but that you hate. (Word coined by John Oliver from the humorous podcast "The Bugle.")

One of the late night guys gave a fuckeulogy to Osama bin Laden.

by Bob the Atheist May 19, 2011

3👍 6👎


A speech or tribute in celebration of the death of someone without whom the world is a better place. Coined by John Oliver on "The Bugle" podcast.

Rather than being given a single memorial service, as one fuckeulogy wouldn't be enough, Osama bin Laden was given fuckeulogies all over the globe.

by Bugler_RichieG May 22, 2011

1👍 4👎


A eulogy composed in memory of a particularly objectionable person.

Coined by comedian John Oliver on The Bugle podcast following the death of Osama bin Laden.

This is not so much a tribute episode to bin Laden as a special fuckeulogy to the big man.

by floew May 15, 2011

82👍 14👎


(noun) A speech or piece of writing damning someone hated upon their death.

"This is not a tribute episode to Bin Laden, as much as a special fuckeulogy to the big guy" (John Oliver, the Bugle podcast May 7, 2011)

by bwilderbeast May 15, 2011

254👍 85👎


Coined by comedian John Oliver during a Bugle podcast, a fuckeulogy is a type of eulogy reserved for the death of someone with absolutely no redeeming qualities.

I was pleased to hear an appropriate fuckeulogy was bestowed on him.

by gregortheconqueror May 17, 2011

29👍 10👎


Irreverent eulogy given to commemorate the death of "someone who will in no capacity be missed" - John Oliver

Term coined by John Oliver, contributor to the Daily Show and co-host of the Times Online podcast, the Bugle. First used by Oliver in episode 152 of the Bugle to describe the subsequent segment about the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

"This is not so much a tribute to Bin Laden, more of a fuckeulogy." - John Oliver in reference to the killing of Osama Binladin (the Bugle, episode 152)

by PhoenixLeo May 23, 2011