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Paranoid Self Fulfillment

The act of being so convinced that your worst fear is going to come true that you force it to become true, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Common Examples:

*people who are so afraid they are going to be dumped, they dump their boyfriend/girlfriend/ spouse as a precautionary measure.
*companies who are in financial trouble who's managers run the company into the ground through their lame attempts to prevent the company from failing;
*an employee who underperforms and gets fired;

Suzie: So, Lisa, how is it going with Ted?
Lisa: Oh, I dumped him last week.
Suzie: But it seemed like things were going so well!
Lisa: Na, I felt like he was going to end it with me so I dumped him first.
Suzie: That's like the third guy you have dumped in the past few months!
Lisa: Yeah but nobody wants to be with me, anyway!
Suzie: Sounds to me like you have mastered Paranoid Self Fulfillment!

-See also (offensive rebound)

CEO: Staff, sales are down so we need to determine how to save the company.
Employee 1: Well first off we should reduce our commitment to quality customer service and customer satisfaction.
Employee 2: I also think we should put some serious pressure on our top sales performers to bring us more business, and make it clear to them if they don't we will show them the door.
Employee 3: It would also be good if we skimp on our ingredients and aren't so quality control oriented.
CEO: Great ideas, everyone!
Janitor: These guys are on their way to paranoid self fulfillment!

by Larry Murgatroid June 3, 2010

3👍 1👎

This life just isn’t fulfilling

I’m talking to you UD Jews

I just don’t find this life very fulfilling

This life just isn’t fulfilling

by Death Menace July 18, 2022

4👍 4👎


I don't need fulfillment or purpose. Or care about either of those things.

Hym "I care about not being harvested by literal fucking mindless zombies who couldn't care if I die or what my life ends up being like. But I'm glad you brought that up because that's where this is all coming from. Everything Jordan thought he knew is a fucking lie. His life's work is a lie. The religion he proselytizes for is a lie. I shit on it and now he's trying to punish me for it. And now he doesn't care what happens either! As long as I suffer that pieces of shit would soon bring me one of your kids to fuck than allow me to get what I want because HE'S THE WEAK MAN. WEAK. PATHETIC. INCOMPETENT (And he fingered his own retard grandmother). I'm not going to 'get fulfillment' out of work. You don't get fulfillment out of your job you get fulfillment out not having to work for a piece of shit like Jordan Peterson."

by Hym Iam March 23, 2024


Did you get a job because I named you? 😑

Hym "Speaking of fulfilment.... Didn't I name you? Didn't I name you once in relationship to the guys I suspected might be responsible for the stalking of... me? Is you getting a job the direct result of me doing that? They reached out to you because I wrote a thing... Like a Hym diversity hire. Is that what happened? I guess we can just chalk that up on the list of things I should be getting credit for but am not. Thanks for paying it forward. I appreciate it."

by Hym Iam September 12, 2022