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a person who is glorified for hurting people.

even in a thousand years this will still not make any god damn sense.

He's gangsta. He brought a shotgun to the playground to kill another gangsta and ended up missing and hitting a child. What a fucking shame.

by zombieone May 5, 2005

1211๐Ÿ‘ 537๐Ÿ‘Ž


poser, 99% of the people that say they are gangstas are not.
just because you wear a certain couple colors and do some stupid shit with your fingers like spelling out BLOOD doesnt make you a gangsta. it makes you look like a deaf person that is color coordinated. but obviously has lost his/her belt. what makes people want to be a gangsta? its because they believe that they can live above the law....you know there arent very many smart criminals in jail...most are "gangstas" and are wasting their lives away in a cell because they chose the lazy way out. isntead of doing things like o...umm ... say learning how to READ they learned how to "slap a ho" instead of getting an honest job they would rather just sell some drugs to the neighbor kids, instead of learning how to read so they could get a good paying honest job so they could go buy a tv or a car they learn how to take it from people that did learn how to read got an honest good paying job and bought their own tv or car. AND!!!! on top of all this they, (gangstas), think for some reason that this makes them hard. ignorance is bliss i suppose. anyone can steal a tv or a car or sell something that they stole not anyone can get a job and pay for it. only people that arent "gangsta" enough. The ONLY i repeat ONLY people on the planet that you will find bragging about how uneducated they are are "GANGSTAS" THE ONLY PEOPLE in the world you will find BRAGGING about bad their life is is a "gangsta".

taking the "th" out of THAT and replacing it with a "d" does NOT make you a gangsta. it makes you sound like you have a newly discovered speech impediment.

making the windows shake in all the houses you drive by because of the speakers you got from a trade for 8 car stereos you stole from your high-school parking lot does NOT make you a gangsta. it makes you go deaf...which could explain all those weird finger things you "gangstas" do all the time.

going to 3 different malls to find the biggest red shirt in tulsa oklahoma does not make you a "gangsta". it simply means you have never heard of BIG and TALL

wheels that are worth more than your car and that also degrade the performance of that car does not make you a "gangsta". it makes your cutlass looke like a 4x4... thats not very "gangsta"

rap and hip hop artists arent "gangstas" they are rich rich rich business men who just happen to make a little noise that idots bounce around too.

if you smoke weed that doesnt make you a gangsta. it just means you have less brain cells than the rest of us...dont worry we already know...it shows.

killin someone because they wore blue and you like red soesnt make you a gansta. it makes you a cold blooded murderer.

the word gansta/gangster has changed so dramatically over the last 90 years or so. it has gone from someone that litterally struck fear in the eyes of the general public to an adjective used to describe a bunch of playstation generation, earphone wearin, never had a whippin by their daddy cuz they never knew him, bunch of kids that listen too ;and play some of the worst noises ever to be called music in the history of time.

what is gangSTA??? a music industry induced pop culture term loosely defining a lower class generally black social reject. that society has shat upon and now its his sole purpose in life to make his own life worse by worsening the conditions around him. and then making everyone feel bad for his own mistakes and lack of will power and low morale stature. ok im done bitchin now

if your mom still drives you to school....you are not "gangsta" the word gangsta is so over used. Shoes CAN'T be gangsta...etc. Hip hop culture is taking over and its showing in our youth. You can't drive to work and back without hearing someones music that you DON'T want to hear. Being a gansta is not playing a shitty rap song written by some millionare. Ever stop and think what do 50 cent, bone thugz, p diddy, snoop, think? They are laughin at all these "gangstas" .... all the way to the bank.

by fatmaninalittlecoat>ets February 23, 2007

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Let me tell you something. It's NOT COOL, okay. If you hold up a gun, throw up a gang sign, and wear a doorag on your head to show what you think will make everybody take you seriously, or will make people respect you, you are not gangsta. You're an ignorant ass. The common definition of a gangsta today is messed up. It's basically somebody glorified for selling/buying drugs, being in a gang, and trying to shoot up everybody who looks at you wrong. And the worst part of it is, it's mainly directed at Black America. And that's bull right there because it's gonna take forever (if we ever manage) to throw off this stereotype that follows us wherever we go.

Sometimes though, gangsta means something more. The respectable gangsta (and it only sounds like an oxymoron) doesn't carry a gun and doesn't sell drugs. They just do what they have to (within the limits of the law) to survive/protect the people they love. If you wanna be gangsta, try that out for a change and have some respect for yourself and the people around you. And for God's sake, put down the gun and the doorag.

Ignorant Guy#1: Gun? Check. Doorag? Check. Multiple gold chains? Check. This that gangsta sh*t man!

Person With Actual Intelligence: What an ass.

Example #2
Patriach of a large family: You wanna be a gangsta so bad? Be a man. Work hard and take care of your family. Don't be trying to shoot up whoever pisses you off. That's ignorant as hell and there aren't enough bullets in the world. Don't blame everybody else for what you can't or won't do. Remember to do what's right. You wanna be a gangsta. Now go be one.

Nephew of said patriach: THAT'S the gangsta sh*t.

by Because-I-Am May 9, 2009

61๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who thinks being a "gangsta" is cool, but is really a pathetic loser who should be fed through a chipper into a compost heap for selling crack to little children and robbing old ladies etc..
Not to be confused with "gangster", which comes from the Mafia who have at least a small amount of honour.

Mike thinks he is a gangsta, but we all know he likes to be sodomised by his father.

Eminem thinks he is cool, but a chipper awaits him.

We don't have a chipper big enough for all the gangsta rappers in the USA - Somebody get us a mechanical engineer to design us one!!

by Kaninchenfeuer March 15, 2007

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A thug who affects roughness, partakes in crime, and hangs out with others in his gang. The purpose of his behaviour and affected image is to make him feared and powerful, and to earn him respect from his peers who are also involved in crime. He typically has a specific dress code, social code, and vernacular to identify him with his gang. Moreover, he often relies on drugs to induce or augment his rash behaviour. He is, in short, a feared idiot.

The word "gangsta" is also used by clowns who imitate real gangstas and who are equally stupid.

Yo' know who I am? I am a gangsta, fool. Give me all yo' money, mothafucker! I don't have brains. I rely on my thuggish behaviour to make myself feel important.

by A respected lexicographer February 14, 2006

304๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


Any individual who has left school at the age of nine and is already wearing giant basket ball shirts and tent-sized shorts. A desire to have unprotected intercourse with as many 'bitches' as possible is essential. The individual will not be educated or employed. Instead they will sell crack to buy tasteless bling. This must be as large and crass as possible to ensure all other gangsta's know how much crack said gangsta has sold to children in his ghetto or hood. Controlling haphazard prostitute rings is also a glorified past-time of the moden gangsta, as is shooting innocent men, women and children during drive-bys. Having no taste in music or cuisine is a must, along with no desire to better oneself. The gangsta can be defined as any person who believes a chosen lifestyle of drugs, prostitution and murder is a good thing. Not to be confused with Italian gangsters - portrayed in epic trilogy The Godfather - who run intricate but violent crime empires under an Italian code of honour. And don't dress like The Tweenies.

Fo shizzle dat gangsta's been bangin caps in his bitches

by 50 Nurp February 25, 2008

33๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Real Gangsta - someone who lives in the projects, is ususally in a gang, not very wealthy--often, but not always, black

Fake Gangsta - most males who attend North Warren (thank god i don't go there anymore). White kids from a rural town who listen to so much rap that they think they're black, act like they "slang dope" all the time, and would have no idea what to do if in a real projects. Yet, they still think they're hardcore gangstas.

John lives in the projects and is a Crip; thus, he's a gangsta. Eminem, though white, is also a gangsta, since he did grow up in a poor area and had what would be considered a gangsta life.

Kevin lives in an upper class white neighborhood in rural western New Jersey. He's never seen a housing project, except in videos on MTV, and probably has never even met a black person. This does not prevent him from acting like he's 50 Cent, however.

by Ryan May 15, 2004

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