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A hood term for going to, or gonna that is used in the DC Metro Area. It is more common to be used through text messages, than in person.

I'm GANna head to the game and try to get his autograph. If I get his autograph, I'm GANna sell it on eBay.

by quickmafs March 4, 2018

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

I'm ganna paint the town green

A symbolic way of protesting against dictatorship regimes by using green color.

Lets go and kick Ahmadi nezhad's ass, come on people, I'm ganna paint the town green. tonight.

by Greenparty88 July 19, 2009

16πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The drunk the bloke always down at the pub with a beer in his hand and a smoke in the other
Often called jimmy or gazza

oi jimmy stop being such a ganna get off the piss
(The piss mean an alcoholic beverage in Aussie slang)

by The-kid. September 2, 2021


A name for the Wheelock ET70WP Fire Alarm Speaker Strobe is used by members of the fire alarm community and the person who started named them ganna's got the term from his school's Spanish voice evacuation message which has ganna in it and uses these speaker strobes.

My school uses Gannas for its outdoor fire alarms. My ganna has a really really bright strobe.

by CaptainChris January 29, 2023


Another word for grandma.

β€œThis weekend we are going down to sear Ganna and grandpa”

by Master Keif November 23, 2021


word used by the gay meaning going

im ganna to the store

by slavemaster69420 April 21, 2021


its a term used by the gay ppl

im ganna to the store

by slavemaster69420 April 21, 2021