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adj 1. when an act is gay and racist simultaneously 2. involving gayness and racism in the same situation

Note: Unlike the other definitions, this sense has nothing to do with homophobia

The sitcom Community actually had two gaycist moments:
-Abed is hand feeding a Black man chicken fingers with a lover's tease to it as the guy has a smile on his face. The chicken part is a no-brainer but read on...
-On a dare from Chang, Pierce, and more to the point, Troy, a Black character, show up to a school dance in ladies' pantsuits. The gaycism is obvious when one considers the issue of Hollywood frequently placing Black actors in emasculating situations

Also gaycist is when a flamboyant gay man, Matthew Miller, auditions for American Idol. When he finishes, he says that a lady once told him he sounded like a "skinny Black woman." And mockery ensues...
Simon: We're not sure whether it's Matthew or Martha
Randy: Is Martha the name of a skinny Black woman?
Matthew: No, if I was a skinny Black woman, I think I'd be like Shakiki or Shaquana

by Kuahmel April 25, 2010

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a gay racist.

wtf man?! ok i black and your gay. we both lose. you dont have to be all gaycist about it!!

by always smiling December 24, 2008

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gaycist which means im racist against gay people

gaycist means pricking on gay people making fun of them and other things like that.

by cameronol September 8, 2005

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when a gay person believes gay people are superior to straight people

That dude is a gaycist. He only hangs around other gays and hates on us straight people.

by rogerdodger August 17, 2008

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It's when your gay and a racist

Tyler your a god damn Gaycist!

by TheGaycist September 25, 2019


Adj. Akin to the colloquial term of Homophobia -

Exhibiting prejudice, discrimination, and bias-driven antagonism towards individuals based on their sexual orientation, especially those identifying as gay, lesbian, or queer, who may belong to marginalized group.

Such attitudes are often fueled by unfounded beliefs and unreasonably attached to societal norms and stereotypes, leading to the perpetuation of harmful biases and exclusionary behaviors.

For those in denial of their homophobia, who love to proclaim, "I'm not scared of the gays! I'm not homophobic! Homophobia isn't a real word, it's just 'phobia' which means fear!"

Introducing them to the term: Gaycist. It's an easily understandable alternative that even the most befuddled among these people should USUALLY not struggle to grasp. No fear involved, just blatant prejudice.

This term highlights the connections between racism and homophobia, allowing certain self aware individuals to acknowledge "phobia" isn't just about fear or lack of understanding, but also to reflect on the systemic and unjust treatment they get.

Guy 1: How am I homophobic? You don't see me crying and trembling when I see a gay lmao. I just don't agree with their life choices.

Guy 2: Oh I see, you're one of those guys. How about gaycist? seems fitting to me.

by Neoslayer July 17, 2023


A person who hates or dislikes only certain groups of gay people or gay people who have certain personalities. A gaycist can be straight, gay, or any other sexuality.

My friend is a gaycist because, although he himself is a gay man, he can't stand flamboyant gay men.

by DaynaMarie June 23, 2013

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