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Orginally founded by close friends of the savoia family.
The meaning circles between stupid, fat and ugly. Gayishism can be used for either of these and can be used to demonstrate them all.
Can also be refered to as a Savoia.

Savoia: Amanda you never talk to Chino, dump him and go out with me.
Gayishism is found in this sentance because Savoia is fat, ugly AND stupid. This is a good example because it uses the full extent of the word.

Example: You just pulled a Savoia man.

by Jewb November 11, 2004

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A young man too yong to be fully gay therefore gayish

In Middle School "You are gayish"

by Colin September 7, 2004

7πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A person who is both gay and Jewish.

Republican Presidential Candidate Fred Karger, who is running as the first opening candidate for President, is also Jewish, so he is Gayish.

by MacsTheKnief January 12, 2012

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


To have a characteristics of a gay

He was touching the boy that way. That shows some gayish tendency in the guy!

by Toro90 November 25, 2012

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


language for the gay. elepel from discord has came up, and owned this word.

gayish, the language of the gay.

by elepelepeleplele September 17, 2020


When you are straight but that one night you chose to be gay

dude last night was so gayish

I never thought I’d screw another guy

by Wow I October 16, 2019


when you lowkey like boys but cant admit it

yo my nigga im gayish but ain’t going to admit i want this guys cock

by fortniteblacks January 4, 2023