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Ghetto Spread

Its like a debit spread, but you buy the option first, and when price goes up (in the case of a call) or down ( in the case of a put) you sell another for the same or more of what you paid for the first one. That way, even though you maxed your profits, you eliminate the risk.

Finance Bro 1: "Bro I think TSLA is going to the moon
Finance Bro 2: " Yeah am probably going to open a ghetto spread, that way, it it goes down, I eliminated the risk.

by JJ69420 September 20, 2020

260πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž

Ghetto spread

The act of spreading ur ass cheeks to shit on the floor cos u can't afford a toilet or even a pot

I'm homeless and broke and can't use no public toilets due to covid so I ghetto spread down the local park

by Flipflap54321 April 29, 2021

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

ghetto spread

A word that has simply lost all meaning throughout history. It’s definition has faded into obscurity after being trending on Urban Dictionary for almost two years. But eventually the word will phase from existence; and this is how the website will die. This is how everything dies.

When ghetto spread dies, we all die.

by seuneup May 28, 2021

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ghetto spread

Term used for when a ghetto woman who opens her legs for the purpose of sexual intercourse

Man 1: Where were you last night
Man 2: I was getting some ghetto spread

Man 1: Nice bro, I see you

by manmytheffingloser September 5, 2021

Ghetto spread

When a black girl spreads her legs and ass cheeks and is ready for sexual intercourse.

Man - Ayo you lookin' thicker than a mf snicker. You ready to ghetto spread?

by WTFdidijustread June 18, 2021

10πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

ghetto spread

ghetto spread is what you make in jail when you cant afford the ingredients for a real spread

1 - shrimp TOP RAMEN ( missing season packet because you used to season your eggs and potatoes for breakfast )
1- bag of CLASSIC LAYS potato chips

- while water is boiling smash the fuck out of your bag of shrimp TOP RAMEN but be careful to not just throw bag on the ground like you would normally do because remember this one is missing your bag of seasoning. Dont want to fuck up your spread by throwing your noodles all over your cell.

- add noodles to water and then once noodles are cooked spread your noodles out on plastic bag then pour your bag of CLASSIC LAYS ontop of your TOP RAMEN

-say your prayer then eat alone and make sure you don't let any of the bums see you making this or else your hungry ass wont be eating alone

"aye, TINY BABY FACE! after your break off for throwing your open bag of TOP RAMEN all over your celly, make sure to eat another ghetto spread for maximum results for your out date lil homie...and sound off when your done!!"

by young savvy IE WEST END PWG December 4, 2020

19πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

Ghetto Spread

What is a "ghetto spread"? A ghetto spread is exactly like a debit spread, except you don't buy/sell both legs at the same time. First, you buy a long call, then wait for the premium on your short call to be higher than the premium of your long call, and sell it.

idek a ghetto spread example

by chickengirlonhighness September 1, 2020

242πŸ‘ 605πŸ‘Ž