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An act where 3 people dig up a grave of a woman. One man watches, One man jumps and One man recieves. The reciever puts his head by the womans fanny. The watcher watches out for other civilians. The jumper jumps on the dead body and all the insides go into the recieves mouth!

Used mainly as an insult. Whether this occured is unknown.

Ha, just because you got caught for Glodding you sick twat.

by OxygenFactory April 22, 2009

12👍 9👎


(n.) A person that pops the collar of their polo shirt and tries to look cool, then says random shit in class and goes "yeah I said it," in another vain attempt to look cool. Threatens to beat people up. Is very very gay.

Did you see that Glod over there? He popped his collar and yelled a bunch of random shit about Wu-Tang clan. That kid needs to eat it.

by Rob May 20, 2004

17👍 30👎

katy glod

grossed out glod

go home glod

by natasha November 14, 2003

4👍 4👎

comedy glod

Spawned from a message board misspelling and it has caught on from there.

That picture of Yuffie in her "Sexy" shorts is Comedy Glod!

by Badfish May 14, 2003

2👍 10👎


Glod is an all powerful god. he is a giant goat with the head of will smith. his mouth is a black hole and his tail has a third eye on the end of it. this eye is the sun. he also has a volcano instead of a butthole and a whale's blowhole on his neck. if you are a bad person, your soul gets flung into his volcano arse for eternity, and if you are good your soul lives in his lungs for 100 years, until he spits you out using his blowhole. then you are sent back to earth to be reborn

All hail Glod

by Trash Wizard January 26, 2021

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