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Noun: Gooch - The tender area that resides between the ball sack and the Anal cavity

Example: Henry was loading a couch into a truck and slipped and cracked his gooch. He than cried out "Ouch! I cracked My gooch!"

by Michael49 August 24, 2005

1439๐Ÿ‘ 1129๐Ÿ‘Ž


the area between the male genitals and the anus

let me lick your gooch clean, pappa.

by Dr. Julius Goatse March 21, 2003

1039๐Ÿ‘ 833๐Ÿ‘Ž


The piece of skin connecting the scrotum and testes to the poop chute. The gooch is also attached to the bacon strip which is located directly on the undercarriage of the testes.

I think i need to get deodorant for my gooch, it always sweats profusley, I think the gooch glands are swollen.

by Penile Fitness December 4, 2002

1773๐Ÿ‘ 1600๐Ÿ‘Ž


The area between the ball sack and the anal canal.

My gooch is really sweaty.

by chris February 21, 2003

425๐Ÿ‘ 408๐Ÿ‘Ž


The precious area between a male scrotum and the anus. It provides the use of connecting these very important body parts for a male.

Robert told me that he applies deodorant on his gooch to prevant the excessive sweating and vinegary stench that his gooch excretes.

Phillip hates it when his dog bites on his gooch while he is sleeping.

Arthur's girlfriend was disgusted at the sight of his hairy gooch, but still continued to lick it.

by cunthunter June 12, 2008

58๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


Term for an older, bitter engineer or computer programmer that thwarts all requests to do work by employing various strategies such as ignoring the request, complaining they are "too busy", criticizing the request as "completely idiotic" or intimidating the requester until they simply go away crying. Gooches are also great at blaming others when problems arise and are are very successful at getting others to do their work for them because they "can't be bothered".

Boy: Do you think the gooch knows anything about this database?
Girl: I think so, but last week i asked him a question and he almost chopped my head off. You ask him, i don't feel like getting gooched again.

by ZippyFerguson July 26, 2010

60๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person so invested in a specific topic that any time the subject is breached they ruin the conversation by picking apart banal minutiae for an extended period of time

Tom: "What did you think about Inception?"
Rick: "Oh God, don't bring it up. I just listened to two gooches talk about totems for hours..."

by zachfree January 28, 2011

69๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž