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Von der dicken Freundin daran gehindert werden eine 10/10 zu klären

Ich wurde gegorlocked

by fluegelsheriff December 19, 2023


The process/sexual position where the woman prolapses her vagina and/or butthole and 2 men use the prolapsed holes as Fleshlights. Once both men have finished they should proceed to tie the prolapsed holes of the woman together.

Tate: Gorlocking is one of my favorite hobbies.

Mason: Oh really, There is no way you're not better than I am.

Tate: We'll see about that Buster!

by January 1, 2025

Gorlock the destroyer

Big chunky fat fugly woman
with the biggest ego bigger than will smith

they also think they can pull any man in the world making them delusional

Gorlock the destroyer: I can pull any boy you John are a ugly boy.
John: you can only pull a glazed double chunk chocolate .

by ilikemyquesodrippybruh November 28, 2024