On April 12th grab any girls boob along with National Grab dick day
It’s national grab boobs day time to grab boobs
National grab Boob day
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National Grab boob day is when you grab your girlfriend’s tits and squeeze it. National Grab Boob day is on April 11 along with National Grab Ass day.
It’s national grab boob day tomorrow!
My boobs now!
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This day is celebrated on April 12th! This is a day where you can grab you a pair of titties and that person cant slap you :D Remember to firmly grasp them ;)
Him: *grab a titties*
Her: WTF
Him: Its national grab boob day...
Her: Oard
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Horny fucks wanna grab some tits but can’t with out an excuse hey now you can it national grab boobs day.
Girls get days to grab dick why can’t we grab tits
“What’s today’s national holiday” said Dave “national grab boobs day” said Amy “oh I’m gonna grab your tits now” “please don’t” “ to bad it’s national grab boobs day” ”fine”.
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On October 31 guys can grab a girls boob all day whenever they want
Samantha is feeling lit so brad grabs her boob because it’s national grab boob day
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On September 5th it is national grab boob day.
I can grab her boob because it’s national grab boob day.
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April 12th and you just grab any girl boobs🤪
Ayeeee it’s national grab boob day
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