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Grabby Patty

A grabby patty is what you call getting to second base.

Bro #1: What did you do with her?
Bro #2: I got to second.
Bro #1: So you gave her a grabby patty?
Bro #2: Hell yea shit was chillAF

by JesusMuthaFuckingChrist March 23, 2011

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Grabby hands

Mysterious hands that grab onto a person and their soul to take them to the afterlife after looking backwards in the Ghost Girl's Alley in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable.

After being decieved in Reimi's alley, Koichi looked back to see mysterious grabby hands that dragged him and his stand away.

by shurb March 30, 2021

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grabby hands

sexual harassment Someone who likes to grab people a lot. Especially when it comes to grabbing women and their breasts or butts.

"He's a nice guy, but he's kind of a grabby hands around women."

by thePenciler December 20, 2009

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Grabby Hands

When someone has no judgement on how many drinks/drugs they should have so they just keep grabbing for more, eventually taking too much & regretting it.

Sarah just can’t quit drinking with her grabby hands.

by dubsk April 25, 2018

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Grabby-arse-pully monster

Nobody can define the Grabby-arse-pully monter, but some sightings dictate that its arms are over 77 feet long, and secrete a sticky substance that covers your arse and never lets go. God help us all.
Interestingly, the 'arse' in grabby-arse-pully monster is spelt with the English spelling in all regions including America. This is in order to avoid any donkey pulling that may occur.


by Mrs Brown January 5, 2015

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big orange muppet with little grabby hands

Nickname for President Donald Trump

POTUS is a damn joke. He's nothing more than a big orange muppet with little grabby hands

by cranioDan11 January 30, 2017

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Grabby Handerson

Someone who can’t keep their hands to themselves. They are constantly touching and feeling on someone else.

It was like he had 10 pairs of hands, he was all grabby handerson.

by Otis Spunkmiester July 4, 2023