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GRAT, interjection:

used to express anger, rejection and disgust, often followed by a pronoun, such as β€œyou” or β€œit”.

GRAT, as an adjective, adverb:

damned; confounded; bloody.

1: Grat it!

2: That gratting idiot.

by Therawyn December 11, 2009

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Known as a cigarette

Oi have you got a grat

by Sesh1 September 17, 2017

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A truncated form of congratulations as stated; however it is a hollow form. There is little emotion, you don't care you are envious or it doesn't matter. You join the bandwagon of everyone else saying it.

The word is often used as just "grats" by itself. When it is used in this form is is surely a carefree statement.

Grats on leveling

oh hey bob grats on getting your mount.

by Zorg_here July 13, 2011

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terrible, bad, not good at all

1: Dude ya hear the principle fired a nun?
2: Are you serious? yo thats grat

by mike 232432 October 24, 2007

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Pronounced: anti-grash

noun: Someone who is the "voice of reason", one who always knows what they are talking about, someone witty, funny, sharp and intelligent

Mr. Reed is the anti-grat because he knows everything about chem and shuts down all the idiots who ask stupid questions.

by The Anti Grat November 19, 2006

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um, grats?

"um, grats?" : Originated from GameArena Message boards. Meaning a sarcastic way of saying congratulations

person 1: Hey guess what!? I got a new girlfriend!!!!!
person 2: um, grats?

by anthologie November 19, 2006

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Grats on Bad

Congratulations on being terrible.
Way to lose that.
That's pathetic!

Derived from a bunch of people on Mug'thol in World of Warcraft.

Way to go Jim, Grats on Bad!

by Jonny John December 21, 2006

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