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han solo

A popular Star Wars character. Not as good as Indiana Jones though.

I'll bet $40 that Indy will have kicked the shit out of Han before he reaches for that blaster.

by yup June 20, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

han solo

Masturbation. I'm writting the following word just because "the definition must have at least 20 letters and 3 words." -said the Pink Rabbit

"-So, what're you doing tonight?
-I think i'm gonna take a bit of han solo time for myself.

by Treflonso August 20, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

han solo

When you have to drop a duece real bad, and it comes out in one large clean turd and only takes one wipe of the crack. One turd and one wipe, hence han solo.

Juan: All that chinese food made me sick, i blew it up and left skidmarks everywhere!

Mark: That shit filled me up too, luckily when i went to drop a duece i had a han solo.

by the wopfather May 12, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

han solo

From a scene in the most kickass movie ever. Zoolander. Derek recovers brilliantly from a shut down by Hansel, calling him "han solo" and making masturbation movements. You know, the scene with Winona Ryder.

Derek: Hey I got a whacky idea. What say we settle this on the runway... Han, Solo.

Hansel: Are you challengin me to a walk off? BOO-lander.

Billy Zane: Don't do this Derek.

Hansel: Listen to your friend Billy Zane. He's a cool dude. He's trying to help you out.

Derek: Oh yeah, that's a walk off challenge my friend.

by Matilda June 5, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

han solo

Going somewhere alone. Can be used in a variety of ways.

Person 1 "Who did you go with?"
Person 2 "No-one, I went hansie" or "I went Hans Solo", or "it was just me and Hansie"

by Rattler August 27, 2003

12๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

han soloed

When someone says they love you and you say "I know". (recommend walking away right away)

Girl: Babe I love you

You: I know

Friend: So Han Soloed! Ha!

by Tervis March 23, 2014

Han Solo

The act of going out by one's self. No witness. The best nights are often when one goes out Han, because you are Solo.

You met that girl at 1Oak last night? She is still wearing your shirt! Wait, how did you get in? Ah..easier to get in going Han Solo!

by That R0nald! September 19, 2017

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