Source Code


The most sacred form of sealing a deal.
A mutual agreement amongst two people to abide by clear and agreed upon terms.
Anybody who would break these terms is a gigantic faggot, see welcher

Men get sued over contracts, but men get killed over handshakes.

by ScrubbyNinja July 11, 2008

70๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A handshake constitutes an unspoken agreement to capture a seagull and deliver it to the other party when one party finds themselves in the presence of said birds.

Observer: "Wow, that's a rocking handshake! I can't wait 'til she gives him a seagull"

Rick: "Hey Ashlea. Thanks for the seagull. I now know how much our handshake means to you."
Ashlea: "You're welcome! I'd give you all the seagulls in all the beaches if I could."
Rick: "Gee. You are a true friend and we are both very funny and attractive."
Eavesdropper: "Hey, I was overhearing you guys talk about how funny and attractive you both are and I want you to know that it is true. Everyone says you are both very funny and attractive and the whole city of Baltimore wants you both as romantic and sexual partners but we know you can't choose us all so we are all very sad all the time."
Rick: "Thanks. That means a lot."

by NickCannon July 21, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Handshake - A type of currency used in the night life to pay for undisclosed services. Handshakes come in different denominations and sizes depending on the service and the hand.

Hi sir, I need to skip line. How much would it cost me. "It will be 2 handshakes".

by HMarz818 June 14, 2016


A code word, used by many, for sex/fucking

"Olly and Harvey can get quite loud when handshaking"

by soft boi clique January 9, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The handshake

the handshake is when a person is put in constraints in an asylum and is given a sedative in pill form. Then instead of ingesting the pill the person puts it under their tongue until their caretaker leaves so they can spit it out and continue to be crazy.

there are some guesses that this is the type of handshake referred to in MGMT's song the Handshake.

The crazy person thought he wouldnt get caught doing the handshake but the caretaker noticed the pile of pills collecting on his chest. Now he is given sedatives through a syringe.

"we got the handshake under our tongue" -mgmt

by theycallmefrank July 3, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


I strange creature who believes he possesses the talent to drive but blatantly does not.
often talks ballshit, and lies to impress.
Try to pull but unfortunalty fails the majority of the time.

chris shennan

by Mikel Hall March 9, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lot of people take a handshake as a sign of trust by both parties (and as a weakness, where it would be stupid to trust someone who's given you no good reason to trust them). Shaking hands, pounding fists, or bumping elbows often seems like an attempt to force another party to trust, make peace, or do business with another, which is why some people dont readily shake everybody's hand when they meet them (especially people they dont know, or dont know well). Not shaking hands lets the other party know the trust isn't there, and isn't guaranteed to get there.

Realistically, not everything works out between two people. A handshake doesn't fix anything, it only gives one party the sense that everything is okay with the other party. People should not rely on a handshake to determine whether everything is okay between two people or not.

by Solid Mantis April 12, 2020