Harald ivo is a super sexy hunk of a man who is 7 foot tall and built like a fridge, he enjoys eating frozen grapes and sand. for breakfast he eats bricks and drinks glass, what a nice guy. he also commits war crimes against uzbekistan daily
wow harald ivo is a very nice guy
Harald Grann is one of the best people in The galaxy. He is probably one of the best Pianist, Guitarist, Drummer and basist in The whole world. And if you get to know him well he will become your wing man.
-Wait is that Van Halen but hes dead?!
- No that's just Harald Grann
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Harald Grann is one of the best people in The galaxy. He is probably one of the best Pianist, Guitarist, Drummer and basist in The whole world. And if you get to know him well he will become your wing man.
-Wait is that Van Halen but hes dead?!
- No that's just Harald Grann
1👍 1👎
Harald has the biggest member of the group. His athletic body and perfect skin, and his well-endowedness is unparallelled.
No homo, but I’d absolutely take Harald from behind.
To be a Harald
If you are a Harald, you are the opposite of haram.
Don't eat pork? Harald
Don't drink alcohol? Harald
Don't have sex out of marriage? sorry to say but... you're a Harald.
Why Harald you may ask? Cuz Harald is boring, and all of the above are pretty f***ing fun.
"What you don't have sex out of marriage?! Huch a Harald"
Oh wow! What a prick! How is this the first time I'm seeing this interview!?
Hym "WOW! That was something. 'Are you angry?' what a stupid fucking question. That's another one of my problems. People and their aversion to anger. Fucking pathetic! I get that shit from the people around me too. From people I associate with and even Iam's mother from time to time. And it's like, it's your line of question that is angering me. Because it's intellectually dishonest. You're using questions as a means to weaponize your willful ignorance towards me. That Harald guys a fucking moron."
Iam "... And I hope you know that isn't what I'm trying to do here... Right? My thing is this: There are extreme problems in the relationships between men and women. We have this whole Red-pill and MGTOW thing going on right now and the solutions you're proposing aren't something they disagree with. So why do they exist? Because there is something wrong with relationships between men and women...."
Hym "And that's what we're trying to call attention to. Evolutionary biology is being co-opted by Red-Pill Men as a sort of Success theory/Rebranded Social-Darwinism and Hypergamy by Women as post-facto justification for lizard-brain rationalization and preference seeking."
Iam "I'm just trying to figure things out... Because everything else is tedious to me"
Hym "We hate doing things that are tedious!"
Iam "That's not everything but I'm on a Men/Women kick tonight but that's what I've been thinking about lately."
Hym "And that's YOUR fault."
The man Queen of Hell thinks about when she touches herself at night.
"I want harald glöckler so fucking much" - Queen of Hell.