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hardcore kid

a "hardcore kid" is normally found at shows. But only for really good bands that they can hardcore dance/2-step at. They are not "scene" or "emo". They're the kids that every one fears, and thinks they should bow down to.

they don't waste their times on myspace,


at parties cause most of them have XXX tattooed on them. A.K.A: Straightedge.

Most "hxc" kids have shaved heads...
Hardcore kids are normally found only in

Las Vegas:702
L.A: 818

Just New York, New York.

Hardcore kids know how to dance.


They all normally have huge gauges,

all the girls want them,

ounce you fuck with a hardcore kid, his friends, his girlfriend, or his family you will never see the end of the battle.

they normally have a city group such as las vegas: LVHC.
which stands for las vegas hard core.

And normally people branch off and make their own fighting "krews"

thats all!

that fight; so hardcore kid stat.

by XXXforlifeyo June 30, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore kid

A person that listens to fake, and horrible music that takes no musical talent what so ever. Thinks that he/she can fight...but really can't at all. Usually gets the fuck beat out of them by metalheads who see them "hardcore dancing" in places that are meant for MOSHPITS.


Metalhead: No, fuck you. *knocks em' the fuck down, then continues to mosh on their face.*

by Metal Up Your Ass December 9, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore kid

Hardcore kids are usually ex emo or scene kids who wear tight girl pants and have their hair cover their eye. They listend to really lame music that isnt real hardcore its more like metal core (real hardcore is the punk music scene in 80s america). They tend to hardcore dance for no reason even if they arnt in a show they start moving thier arms around. They take like 20 million pictures and post them on myspace.Yet their are a few i guess you can say real hardcore kids who wear like shorts and stuff and they always hated emo.

hxc kid: take down is the best
before he was hardcore kid: fall out boy is so cool

by postpunk is great September 30, 2005

30๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore kid

A 14-22 yr old who goes to strictly concerts with hardcore bands. They take turns punching and kicking air during the songs. They think they're badass but knock one down and they'll start to cry.

That harcore kid punched me. I'm gonna kick his pussyass.

by concatenation March 23, 2004

26๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore kid

An emo kid that can fight.

"I'm so sad. Let's go to a show and hardcore dance =D"

by overdose August 9, 2005

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hardcore kid

an angry SOB who will act tough but is, on the inside, an emo kid in denial. Does ridiculous things like round houses and other such things and calls it dancing. hate ska kids because they are happy.

That hardcore kid loves to mess with those ska kids, I can't wait until they make him cry.

by Roadie August 17, 2004

23๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore kid

a hardcore kid (hXc kid) is some one who follows fashion. they probably went from emo, to scene, to hardcore. they listen to awful music and dance in such a way they usually end up in hospital (two-stepping & spin kicking).
they think it's cool to stand around with alot of hardcore kids and make fun of anyone who isn't wearing a bring me the horizon tee or isn't wearing tight pants.

omgzzz. why fxck are you wearing a modest mouse tee? that's too indie for me!.
now where the fuck are my hair extensions? people might think i'm uncool if i'm seen without them! im such a hardcore kid!
and NOT emo or scene.

by vicky allanson September 11, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž