an international skate, snow and surf magazine from Northern California
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a serious piece of weaponry. Commonly found in a "hood near you.
...10mm,40 Cal,plus the Heckler/To set ya'll straight,you too light,I shoot ya freckles out/Ya too dark, the infa red, I show you what the tek about,huh...
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Hater & judge. Not the same as a critic though. They are disrespectful half breads that feel everyone has to live by their opinions. Most of them 18-30+old, either live in theirs mothers/family's home still to feed off the maternal tit. Have no direction, lack stature and morals in human behavior.
(How to handle a bitch Heckler)
Female Comic: I was walking threw Jersey the other day and....
Heckler(yells threw the crowd): You suck, your a nothing, and a nobody, your a hag, you blow for Judas for duckets!
Female comic: Do people like you ever shut the fuck up? Your daddy was begging me to suck his dick offering 5G's while yo' momma was bent over gettin' a dirty sanchez from my agent punk. Who's the nobody? Get the fuck oudda here. Were you the guy, in that movie one time, where the group was yelling "squeal like a pig boy?" You can't handle this truth. That's why you hide behind your website opinions. BTW didn't you pay to see this show?
Heckler: (bows his head in shame when she gets done with him. The crowd laughs as he slowly cowers out of the building)
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1. A politician who openly heckles, threatens or attacks the President of the United States on the House Floor during a joint session of Congress.
2. Any person who brazenly violates the code of civility and decorum of the U.S. House of Representatives, especially elected officials.
3. Rep. Joe Brown of South Carolina, who yelled "You lie!" at our first African-American President during his speech on health care to Congress on Sept. 9, 2009. (Brown's contention that the proposed health care reform bill would somehow insure illegal aliens was later deemed false on both and
"Did you ever meet Joe Brown? He's that infamous House Heckler who called Obama a liar on the floor of Congress during a speech by the President."
58👍 7👎
In a world of compromises, some people put the bullets in the magazine backwards…But it doesn’t matter, because our gun is on the cover of the Rainbow Six video games. Look how cool that SEAL coming out of the water looks… If you buy a $2,000 SOCOM, you will be that cool of an operator too. And chicks will dig you.
At HK, we stuck a piston on an AR15, just like a bunch of other companies have done, dating back to about 1969. However ours is better, because we refuse to sell it to civilians. Because you suck, and we hate you.
Our XM8 is the greatest rifle ever developed. It may melt, and it doesn’t fit any accessories known to man, but that is your fault. If you were a real operator, you would love it. Once again, look at Rainbow Six, that G36 sure is cool isn’t it? Yeah, you know you want one.And by the way, check out our new HK45. We decided that humans don’t need to release the magazine with their thumbs. If you were a really manly teutonic operator, you would be able to reach the controls. Plus we’ve fired 100,000,000 rounds through one with zero malfunctions, and that was while it was buried in a lake of molten lava, on the moon. If you don’t believe us, it is because you aren’t a real operator.
By the way, our cheap, mass-produced, stamped sheet metal guns like the G3 and MP5 are the bestest things ever, and totally worth asinine scalpers prices, but note that cheap, mass-produced, stamped sheet metal guns from other countries are commie garbage. Not that it matters, because you’re civilians, so we won’t sell them to you anyway. Because you suck, and we hate you, but we know you’ll be back. We can beat you down like a trailer park wife, but you’ll come back, you always do.
Buy our stuff.
HK Marketing DepartmentHK. Because you suck. And we hate you.
Ze Heckler and Koch G36 did not lose eets zero, joo ah just not TEUTONIC OPERATOR eenuff to use our superior German engineering. NEIN EET EEZ NOT MELTING, ZAT IS SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN.
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