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a person that is from latin countries like the Dominican Republic,Argentina,Puerto Rico,Spain or Colombia. Not all hispanics have the same religion,culture,skin color or way of speaking spanish.An example would be that a Colombian that comes to America see a Domincan they might not exactly understand each other.

That girl over there is dominican so shes hispanic

by amy March 24, 2005

163๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hispanics are originally people from Spanish-speaking countries in Europe (Spain) and Latin America (Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, etc).

In Spain, the term Hispanic refers to people of that country or those who can claim Spanish ancestry. It also refers to countries that have Spanish-based cultures such as those found in Latin America.

In the United States, the term Hispanic was chiefly made up to group together disparate groups from Latin America that shared common cultural attributes, religion, and language but were not racially the same. In the 1970s and 1980s, on Census-based forms and questionnaires, Hispanic began appearing as a racial category; this oversight caused confusion. Today, Census-based forms have been modified to allow Hispanics to identify if they are black, white, or multi-racial.

Hispanics are chiefly white/mestizo. In countries like Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Costa Rica, and Colombia, whites make up the overwhelming majority. Whereas in places like Cuba amd Dominican Republic, blacks comprise the majority. Countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador are dominated by mestizos.

The term Hispanic recently has been rejected in favor of the newer term Latino; sometimes Hispanic and Latino are used interchangeably (although, depending on who one asks and location within the US, term preferences vary).

Hispanics DO NOT include Brazilians or Portuguese as they do not speak Spanish. But Filippinos and African from Equatorial Guinea can be grouped in that category.

1) Hispanics can be of any race, religion, and ethnic origin. For example, people in Chile or Paraguay of German ancestry can be considered Hispanic

2) Peru has a large Japanese population (e.g., Alberto Fujimori). These are considered Hispanics in the United States

by Preston Manning May 17, 2006

394๐Ÿ‘ 260๐Ÿ‘Ž


pl. hispanics

01. descendant of the honkies/white people of spain - all of spain.

02. white person/honky pretending to be a "horse of a different color" so they can be given special government privileges & protections that are reserved for groups with protected status.

03. honky/white person with olive complexion due to genetic origins from spain.

04. spanish colonial and his/her descendants who are trying to maintain their special spanish 'casta' status by socio-political deception.

A: What's the difference between a hispanic and a honky?

B: I don't know. Don't they both have ancestors from the same continent, Europe?

A: Yeah. That's were most of the caucasians/whites/honkies come from.

by It's not mean if it's true. August 5, 2008

118๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is from any spanish speaking country. Not to be confused with latino, which is actually different. A latino is someone from latin america, a hispanic is someone from any spanish speaking country (Like the spanish speaking countries in europe.) The definition varies in different places though.

Guy1: I come from Mexico, so I am hispanic and latino.
Guy2: I'm from Spain so i'm hispanic.

by Maarbarian May 4, 2005

137๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hispanic: Literally meaning Spanish. The Latin word for Spain is HISPANIA like the Spanish word for Spain is ESPANA. So scientifically speaking a douche bag white person from Spain like Cortez would be classified as Hispanicus. Since people don't speak Latin all too often it easy to ignorantly use the word to describe and or classify native Americans from places like Mexico, Guatemala etc. just because they speak the puke language of Spain.

There is a Hispanic male driving a stolen car on the 101. haha

by Blue Laughter October 2, 2008

68๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


In the fashion of or similar to a mexican, puerto rican or other hispanic. Coined by George W. Bush in an address to the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

"A lot of times in the rhetoric, people forget the facts. And the facts are that thousands of small businesses -- Hispanically owned or otherwise -- pay taxes at the highest marginal rate."

by Deadmaker7 May 1, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anyone who descends from a Spanish or formerly Spanish colony (with the exception of the Southwest US) or Spain. "Hispanic" is simply an ethnicity, NOT a race. Hispanics are mostly mestizo (of white and Amerindian descent) in most Spanish-speaking countries, with the exception of Spain and Argentina (whose populations are mostly white.) Spain's people are mixed Mediterranean and Nordic/Aryan.

Hispanics in the SW US are mostly bilingual, but futher north, they just speak English.

by llama November 25, 2003

234๐Ÿ‘ 235๐Ÿ‘Ž