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i feel your nuts

i know what you mean

Boy 1: Yeah man, I can't stand that guy.
Boy 2: I feel your nuts on that one.

by Bobismymom December 2, 2014

7224👍 8453👎

I have fat nuts

When you have 2 large testicular objects under your small peepee.

Bobby; I have FAT nuts
Timmy; Lol me to.

by November 20, 2021

4👍 1👎

i feel your nuts

An expression used specifically for when you decide to touch somebody directly in their scrotum, the body part where the testes are stored which contain sperm, used for creating children. This phrase usually means that you know how someone feels about a specific subject.

person 2: feel my nuts
person 1: *touches person 2's nuts*
person 1: i feel your nuts

by FlashlightMemelord December 3, 2018

6👍 4👎

I call horse nuts

I call horse nuts is just a proper way of saying I call Bullshit

Why did that not count, I call Horse Nuts

by Carrot577 May 15, 2021

4👍 3👎

I nutted in a duck

What you say when you nutted in a duck

You:yo i nutted in a duck last night
Friend: yo wtf

by Bendover559 June 10, 2022