Source Code


Some screen saver program from the old windows days.

Man I hated this screen saver for some reason. Probably cuz it's named after some dumb band.

by d-Mack May 1, 2004

6👍 38👎


a band whose singer is gay

by Anonymous April 15, 2003

5👍 38👎


a band who used to be good until they sold out and a vital member left. check out captain, hope is important and their early singles. dont bother with the rest. And I have heard the gay Roddy rumour is true from a reliable source..

"Are idlewild good?"
"They used to be."

by Anonymous October 28, 2003

4👍 43👎

American idlewild fans

People who wish they were Scottish

I like Idlewild and want to move to Scotland

by Prof know it all January 7, 2004

2👍 10👎