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Troll Impersonator

Person that make new video in youtube that is a clown instead of a troller. You showing off yourself such as your self that can't troll. Newbie that is childish not a member. You are ten time an idiot that have no troll in your mind just childish joke that think is troll.

NewbIe: Hey john!

John: Yes!

Newbie: When you are done I have something for ya!

John: Alright bruh!

Newbie: (Silently Laugh like a immature child)

John: ( Come out his bed where he was just texting. Opens the door?)

Newbie: Spray his eyes kick his balls his phone that he just wasted on that is brand new. Falls on the floor and cracked horribly. Newbie new he had a phone on his hand. He didn't care because he wanted to troll him to make him rage. And while john is on the floor he also dye's his hair. And newbie run so childish that he sound like a girly monkey that laugh so hard. And John got up and gets out the door with a huge temper saying. What the fuck you fucking childish piece of shit! YOU FUCKING CHILD!!! YOU BROKE MY FUCKING PHONE YOU SCUMBAG IGNORANT PIECE OF SHIT!!! Newbie: Bro chill out is just a joke! Wtf dude! Chill out you are recorded in youtube bruh! Chill man! John grab him. Give him the KO.

Or showing off in video just to fit in Troll.

Troll Impersonator: New people that are not part of the Troll face member that are joking like an ignorant failure. Or Stupidity Adult that act like a Teen that act like a child instead of trolling.

by Troll Face Shawn May 3, 2016

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badger impersonator

A scabby man from the Mansfield or Worksop area with an unhealthy interest in animals.

Arthur Atkinson you dirty badger impersonator, pull up your trousers and get our of my zoo!!!

by punji63 November 30, 2021


one who tries to be like Kevin .aka. BERT NEWTON!!!

bert newton is a kevin-impersonator who cant act and wears a really bad fake cat hair toupee! I hate all kevin-impersonators

by kevin roxs ny soxs! July 3, 2004

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Madison Impersonator

A crazy chick who frequently tries to look like Madison but will never be Madison. She spends countless hours a day attempting to pull off the fabulousity of Madison.

I want my hair cut just like Madison's....here is the picture...
I want to wear Madison's sunglasses....
Look I am in Madison's room...wearing her glasses..
I am a Madison Impersonator

by itismejlicious August 31, 2010

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thats my (name) impersonation

When your being awkward around a girl on a date so when you or her mentions it you say "thats my (insert name of someone whos realy awkward around girls or was once) impersontation"

"what are you doing"
"thats my (name) impersonation"

by strocker January 30, 2010

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social media gender impersonation

The act of signing one's self up on social media sites under the opposite gender f-sag or to gain access to certain gender restricted groups.

If I'm a guy and want talk to lesbians without being labeled misogynistic I might commit social media gender impersonation on something like KIK.

by Sexydimma June 29, 2017

kawaii impersonator

when some stupid californian blonde girl has a japanese phase. she usually buys tons of anime and hello kitty merch. she becomes oli london and gets her eyes slitted

did you hear rebecca is a kawaii impersonator. i hope she kills her self

by Zer0sec February 24, 2022