Monochromic Reversity: To be or seem the complete opposite of what people think.
During my 7th grade year, there was a case of Monochromic Reversity going around, especially with me. I appeared as what people thought I was, not what I truly am.
A photograph or image that is only colored black and white.
TVs back in the 1960s only showed things in monochrome.
(plural: monochromators)
An optical device, consisting of one or more slits, that selects a narrow band of wavelengths from a broader spectrum.
"The plasma emission spectra were measured with the use of a monochromator device."
a party hosted annually by a group of male roommates.
guests must attend wearing outfits of one color (of their choice)
For the “on the dome” reference. Please see other entry.
This years Monochrome on the dome (MOTD) party was lit. Everyone looked like a snack. *high five*