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Individual - Meaning a person who acts in the way they want to and is not bound by the sad rules of soceity, live life forifilling goals for their self-esteem. These people do not conform to the 'masses' and are therefore swarn enemy to the common Townie etc... An individual has their 'own' mind and seeks enlightenment through completing personal tasks set by themselves and are not influenced by someone elses opinion simply because they are 'popular'.

'Townie - Why u doin' tha?'
'Individual - Well why ask the question?'
'Townie - Urgh?!'

by Lewis April 22, 2004

311๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


the philosophy that the individual is significant and superior to any collective becuase it is the individual and not the collective that holds all rights and is the source of all those rights given to him/her by the one true God or by the fact of their existence. Individualism is congruent with egoism (the celebration of the individual for his efforts and abilities) and is wholly against altruism (the abasement of an individaul for all that he/she is to some other form).

most good people

by TAPQOE(AOC) June 19, 2004

110๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. An "individual" is generally considered one who follows only his(her) own rules of life.

2. Also, in general, anything that is different from the rest of the world in any way.

1. Jon is the true individual. He says so many times until it becomes a catchphrase, "I don't care what the 'others' think about my actions" - and his actions (often crude and immature) support that phrase.

2. My DNA is probably truly individual.

by aleclair November 17, 2005

84๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


Individual's may actually conform, just to prove that they are individual from other individuals...

There is no definition of an individual, for to define an individual is hideously oxymoronic.

"Remember Johnny, you are an individual, just like everyone else."

by Scrooby May 13, 2006

50๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


basically someone who doesnt go for the rules and doesnt care what people think they like whatever they want and dont like to be under labels.

individual example- catholic person likes hardcore, buys at american eagle,and doesnt go for rules. basically not like some idiots who go i cant buy at abercrombie cuz its for preps.

by tbs freak February 18, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


A derogatory term used by Marine Corps drill instructors when Recruits refer to themselves in first person

DI: What're you tryingg to do to my beloved Corps?

Recruit: I don't know sir!

DI: Ok, Mr. Individual, your ass can go play in the sand

by Bill April 12, 2005

28๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A serious condition involving a change of outlook on the victim, making them view popular, trendy or highly public things as bad, uninteresting or unbearable. They're often found making baseless assumptions or excuses to accusations of individualitis.

This is commonly found in hipsters and some victims who "hate" pop music.

Hipster: "God I hate Lady Gaga so much, her music pisses me off."
Friend: "Why?"
Hipster: "She's so weird and popular, I just hate it"
Friend: "I think you have individualitis."

by Runemedz October 24, 2011