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The place where people go to buy hair grease

Hey! Wanna go on vacation to Greece?
Why would you go on vacation to a store you fucking idiot?

by Collloser The Typer Boi February 3, 2021

183πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Greeks, dumbass

Greece Is the place what is turk

The people are dumb idiots who think Alexander is greek but it’s macedonian
And The people are angry for nothing

by I’m weirdo October 26, 2019

178πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Being complety broke

On a scale of 1 to Greece, how broke are you?

by Mumbles5850 May 11, 2010

432πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


One of the most fucked up countries in the world that yet is awesome. Liquor can be bought by any age, there are domestic cigarettes and women vary from church-girl to rambunctious slut. Lots of great destinations to visit, from sandy coasts to forests to mountaintops. Food is so awesome you'll be poor in 2 days after buying excessively many plates.

Greece also has a lot of friendly people, especially the older generation, that upon realising you're a tourist will start treating you with traditional foods, drinks and even music, but will charge your ass off in the end. Still, you won't mind because you'll have had a great time.

Avoid dark city streets because you'll be compromising your safety, and always look at the price tags before you start talking.

-Imma go to Greece for summer.
-That's rad, get a lot of condoms and money, cuz you'll be spending your ass off on women you'll need the condoms for!

-I ate a weird greek sandwich-ish called "gyros".
-Last time I ate that, I booked holidays to Greece for the next 3 years.

-Greece isn't only culture and ancient history. It's also nightlife and crazy fun!

by kouraf16 April 7, 2011

148πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


a supermassive anus.

greece is the worlds ass hole

by u wish u were maco November 1, 2007

724πŸ‘ 286πŸ‘Ž


The birthplace of the western world.

Pythagoras was from Greece.

by Alex February 20, 2004

1821πŸ‘ 842πŸ‘Ž


Beautiful country with moutains and seas. Also with crazy people who don't know how to drive. Country with no drinking age.

I can't wait until I visit Greece this Summer!

by GrkGoddess89 June 3, 2003

1602πŸ‘ 847πŸ‘Ž